To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam (Part 6B): Zakat the 4th Pillar of Islam – A Means for Making Muhammad Wealthy?
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Zakat, the fourth pillar of Islam, deals exclusively with wealth. What were the reasons that motivated Muhammad to copy this pagan practice, and impose it on Muslims as well as on non-Muslims. The Quran and hadiths reveal Allah's true intentions behind the imposing of Zakat. There are hundreds of hadiths that reveal the greed of Muhammad (behind the mask of his imaginary Allah), and his bandit Sahaba towards wealth and power. Muhammad accumulated wealth and annexed the neighboring territories by all kinds of crooked means. It is impossible to archive them all in an article. Evidences documenting Muhammad’s evil actions for obtaining wealth and power will requires volumes of books. This part of the series deals with how Muhammad obtained power, and how even the ruler of Rome, the superpower of his time, was afraid of this notorious mafia gang. Most of us don’t pay attention to the fact that our so-called ‘prophet’ was simply a king of Arabia. In this article, I will also list a few hadiths to reveal how a neglected shepherd boy became the king of Arabia.
The Obscenity of Islam
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 10270
Syrian Alawite girl's heart cut out
The photo is from October 18, 2013. "Muslims killing Muslims: The Syrian Shiite child had her heart cut out by the Saudi-backed Sunni "insurgents" after she was forced to witness the murder of her parents! Shiites are regarded as "infidels" by Sunnis.
Save Saudi Liberal Activist Raif Badawy from 600 Lashes and 7-Year Imprisonment for Expressing His Views (Sign Petition)
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 5774
Raif Badawy, a liberal activist, was sentenced to 600 lashings and 7 years of imprisonment by a Saudi court for expressing his views:
Please sign this petition to save him from the horrendous punishment for exercising what the international community recognizes as his human rights.
Vimeo Also Deletes the “Aisha and Muhammad” Movie – Air-Tight Censorship against Criticism of Islam in Western Media
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 8993
Those, who are aware of the newly-released movie, “Aisha and Muhammad”, by producer Imran Firasat should already know that Youtube stood in constant and firm vigilance with an iron-whip in hand to strike down any attempt to promote the movie on its website.
Youtube deactivated the first link of the movie within one-and-a-half hours of activation. The second link was deactivated faster that the first. That's how youtube dealt with Imran Firasat's movie.
What baflles us most is the fact that youtube fought hard a legal battle to keep the rather shoddily made video, “The Innocence of Muslims”, after one of it actresses, following death-threat from Muslims, initiated a legal proceeding against Youtube after it rejected her request to remove the video on the ground of defending freedom of expression. The protracted legal battle ran on for nearly a year, and in the final court verdict, youtube lost the case a few months ago, and regretfully deleted the video, terming it a bad day for freedom of expression.
International Arrest Warrant: The Spanish Government's Persecution of Islam Critic Imran Firasat Knows No Bounds
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 5302
The latest in the saga of the Spanish government's oppression of Islam critic and film producer Imran Firasat is the issuance of an international arrest warrant against him via Interpol.
When Imran Firasat made a movie, The Innocent Prophet, on the life of Islam's prophet, the Spanish government revoked his refugee status, despite it violated no Spanish law. Then the Spanish courts prosecuted him when an Islamic organization accused him of inciting hatred against Muslims. And he was duly acquitted of the charges. His appeals against the revocation of his refugee status were rejected by the Spanish High Court and the Supreme Court, without giving a damn to Spanish constitutional right to freedom of expression as far as his production of the movie is concerned.
(Movie) 'Aisha and Muhammad: The Dramatic Life of a Little Child Married to the Prophet of Islam'
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 15852
Released, the movie:
Aisha and Muhammad
The Dramatic Life of a Little Child Married to the Prophet of Islam
As announced in an earlier press release, the movie, “Aisha and Muhammad”, has been released on schedule. The release has been coincided with the US Independence Day on July 4 as a mark of respect to the American victims in the battle against Radical Islam.
The full movie in English can be viewed online from the following website links:
- Islam-watch:
The trailer of the movie, released on 23 June 2014, attracted tremendous interest from viewers to the extent that Youtube, ignoring its well-known commitment to defending freedom of expression, deleted all the trailers from its website. Obviously, Youtube is under massive pressure from vested quarters that want to hide the root cause of the gravest problem humanity today faces from the house of Islam.
Muhammad: The First Islamic Radical
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 14025
Self-radicalization is a commonly used term in the media today that applies to extremist Muslims, who turn to violence in the name of Jihad or Islam. It is as if those Muslims, who were normal peaceful people in recent past, suddenly turn to a violent path all on their own without any appeal to any ideals or indoctrination from outside. Even if anything, the teachings of Islam, or the Islamic doctrine of Jihad, certainly has nothing to do with their so-called self-radicalization.
The fact of the matter is: the religion of Islam itself is an extremely radical and violent ideology, and its founder Prophet Muhammad himself was the first radical of Islam. And as per the Quranic injunction, Muhammad remains an ideal personality to be emulated (including his radicalism) by Muslims for all eternity.
Imran Firasat's New Movie 'Aisha & Muhammad: The Dramatic Life of a Little Child Married to the Prophet of Islam'
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 16958
Coming soon, the movie:
Aisha & Muhammad
The Dramatic Life of a Little Child Married to the Prophet of Islam
Although radical Islam, the puritanical form of the religion, today affects Muslim nations the most, it is also the biggest threat to the security and stability of almost all non-Islamic nations. Echoing this grave reality, former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in a recent speech at the Bloomberg headquarters in London warned: “…there is not a region of the world not adversely affected by Islamism and the ideology is growing… It is de-stabilising communities and even nations. It is undermining the possibility of peaceful co-existence in an era of globalisation.”
While the threat of Islamic violence and terrorism affecting global peace and security grips our mind most, yet women, particularly the Muslim women, are the worst victim of Islam. Touching on the issue, Blair said, “And quite apart from the actual loss of life [in radical Islamic violence], there is the loss of life opportunities for parts of the population mired in backward thinking and reactionary attitudes especially towards girls.”
A look into the Afghan, Saudi, Iran and other Islamic societies give us a clear idea about the deprivations, sufferings and abuses women experience under Islam. Across the Muslim world, women face sexual assault and rape in disparate proportions. As concerns non-Muslim women, from Pakistan to Egypt, they regularly face rape, and abduction and forcible conversion to Islam and marriage to Muslim thugs. Nigeria today is struggling for months to free a few hundred mainly Christian school-girls abducted by the Boko Haram Islamic militants, the Christian girls among them forcibly converted to Islam, forced to marry their militant abductors or are being sold into slavery. This incident reverberates with Prophet Muhammad’s attack of the Banu Quraiza Jews, killing of their men and capture of their women, who had to serve as sex-slaves to Prophet Muhammad and his followers. He also sold some of them into slavery.
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam, Part 6A – ‘Zakat’ the 4th Pillar of Islam – the Origin
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- Hits: 6605
My dear fellow Muslim brethren! I was writing a series of articles on the five pillars of Islam last year. Then I intentionally stopped it ahead of continuing on the fourth pillar, namely ‘Zakat’, because I wanted to do it in the ‘holy’ month of Ramadan, on which we Muslims spend whole heartedly on charity. We spend more on Zakat and Sadaqa in the month of Ramadan because, according to our prophet, we get 700 times more reward if we spend in charity in the holy month of Ramadan. In my previous articles of this series, we have learnt what holy the month of Ramadan is all about. We Muslims feel proud of our sense of being charitable as compared to other communities, thanks to paying Zakat as a religious duty. Non-Muslims also appreciate our being charitable in paying Zakat.
But what ‘Zakat’ is all about? We have seen in my previous articles how our holy prophet had copied Islamic prayers and fasting from other religious communities. Was the Zakat charity also copied from other religious communities? Let us ponder over the facts about the origin of the practice of Zakat.
War for the Equality of Muslim Women – The Calling of Our Time
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 10428
Every human person has the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The equality of women and men, irrespective of race or religion, to live in democracy and freedom, is the very essence of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
Denying equal rights and opportunity to women, the Mothers of the Mankind, is the worst perversion of humanity and justice.
Yet, throughout the 57 Muslim nations, millions of women are being brutalized and subjugated, their humanity robbed. Non-Muslims living in those countries are often relegated to second class citizens, denied of their freedom and right to worship their own religion, or live their lives in equality with Muslims. One hundred thousand Christians are murdered in the Muslim world every year.