
Is just to laugh it off... Humor is our greatest weapon against Islam for preserving our freedom and way of life...


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Islam is the problem for us infidels, and the only way to assure safety of ourself and our future generations is to physically separate ourself from Muslims, although a good few, who go by the Muslim label, have to suffer...


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I came across this via an email from an old Muslim friend. He still has hopes of me changing my kafir ways…? He wants to make me understand that Islam is the truest religion and he is trying to convince me by sending this proof!


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To get his followers fight in suicidal raids and wars, Muhammad created an image of Islamic paradise, where Muslims will find unlimited access to every earthly desires, greed, pleasures and wealth that man may wish to have or experience in this life. Sexuality, perverse sexuality---including group-sex with numerous eternal virgins and sodomy with pearl-like boys---for men (not for women) are among the staples in Allah's paradise. Muhammad knew what would work best to inspire young men fight deadly wars and used that tool to his advantage...


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After bearing, in humble patience, 5000 years of abuse and stone-throwing by Allah's (God's) followers at the Hajj Pilgrimage, Satan finally says, 'Enough is Enough' and throws back the stones at the Hajj pilgrims at Mecca, causing considerable death and distress to the holy pilgrims, with Allah failing to save them. [Satire]

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