Mirza Ghalib

The fifteenth century of hijra to become the death-knell of Islam?

After Muhammad, Muslim rulers badly needed fairy-tales about Muhammad to put a veil on their cruelties, and to have control over the subjects in their massively expanded territories captured by surprise raids. So they tried their best to superimpose a “divine label” on their mentor Muhammad. They fabricated tons of fairy-tales about him. In the process, they have created enormous amount of fables that no one can complete its reading in their lifetime even if they wished to.

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In a hadith, Muhammad says a person named Abu Zara was his "role model" when it comes his love toward his wives. Some rare humility for one, deemed the finest man ever to be born, who never found any other man superior to himself. And Abu Zara and Muhammad as loving husband is concerned -- like 'role model' like 'fan'. Both lustful and heartless toward their wives!

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The first part of this article—in reference to Major Nidal Hasan’s claim that he grew beard because his Muslim faith required him to do so, not to show disrespect to US Army regulations—listed a number of impractical hadiths, which ‘clever’ Muslims today conveniently ignore or refuse to practice, because of the little bit of commonsense left in them. There are hundreds of such idiotic hadiths scattered in the Islamic sources, which we cannot discuss in detail in a short article like this.

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Few days ago, there was International news about forcible shaving of the beard of the USA Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan, who was sentenced to death for the November 2009 Fort Hood shooting rampage, in which 13 people died and 30 were injured. He was born in the USA to Palestinian Muslim parents. He is now around 43 and served 25 years in the US Army.

Major Nidal Hasan began growing a beard after his November 2009 shoot massacre, which caused delays to his court-martial, because it violated the Army grooming regulations. Hasan said he grew beard, because his Muslim faith required it and was not meant as a show of disrespect to US Army regulations.

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In the last two essays (Part 5K & 5L), we have seen lots of confusions about the date of ‘Lailatul Qadr’ or ‘The Night of Power’. The list of confusions is long and continues in this part.


  1. “…the Prophet came and addressed us and said, I was informed of (the date of the Night of Qadr) but I was caused to forget it; so search for it in the odd nights of the last ten nights of the month of Ramadan…” (Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:233, 235, 252 & 256)
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