Ibn Kammuna

It is only Islam that asserts the fact that Allah, the Islamic deity, and his angels, are so thankful to the prophet of Islam that they prostrate and pray on/for him.

Arab Muslims in their everyday context of speech may use an expression like “Salle Ala Al Nabi”. Translated literally, this expression says “Pray on the prophet”. The meaning of this expression does not become clear until we hear the response of the second Muslim who heard the first Muslim utter that expression. The answer is something like “Allahumma Salle Wasallim Ala Sayyid Almurasaleen, Sayyidina Muhammad.” Translated, this expression says “Oh God, pray and greet with peace the lord of those who were sent, our Master Muhammad.” Such an expression within everyday talk context in the Middle East is a common occurrence.

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The concept of adoption in Islam is a “distorted” concept indeed. There is no adoption in Islam. Muslims try to market a specific concept of adoption because Muhammad, through a sequence of immoral actions, canceled “adoption” as we know it in Islam and, subsequently, in Muslim societies. The sum of it is that Muhammad married his daughter in law and justified such immortality by Allah’s Qur’anic verses. I will start this article with a section on Zayd; Muhammad’s adopted son, followed by a section on the wedding events. and Muhammad’s desire to “sleep” with Zaynab. The last section will deal with the issue of Muhammad’s morality regarding the adoption events.

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At the beginning of the 20th century, we had Muslim thinkers whose ideas are wreaking havoc nowadays all over the world. I am thinking of Maududi of Pakistan and Sayyid Qutb of Egypt. We can witness their thought handiworks in our days. Pakistan is currently a failed state. It harbors terrorists. Osama bin Ladin evaded capture by US troops for a long time in Pakistan. Zawahiri, 2nd in command to Al- Qaeda, is probably living somewhere in Pakistan as I write those lines.

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Introductory Notes

Growing up in a Muslim country, one is more likely than not to hear Muslims talk about how miraculous the Qur’an is. Its Arabic language is just “amazing” and “superior” in a way that no human in the past, the present, and the future can write such a text. True Muslims take that to heart. However, when one delves into the concept of the superior language of the Qur’an, one quickly finds out that there are no defining criteria that in fact show the superiority of the Qur’an’s language.

In this article, I will show the reader that even with the absence of standards, one can still create verses that are equal linguistically and morally to the Qur’an. One can also create verses that are superior to the Qur’anic verse.

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I was reading an article written by Islamic critic Mu’min Salih about how the Arabs did not think highly of the language of the Qur’an, while, at the same time, we see Muslims who do not know Arabic praise the “high level” language of the Qur’an!

At the end of the article, Salih provided some links to new “out of the oven” Suras written by different people of our age. When I saw such wonderful Suras, my “Eeman” (faith) increased, and I thought it would be nice to have a posting that has some links to the wonderful Suras written by the “prophets” of our age.

Readers are encouraged to provide more links to more “Suras” and “Verses”. I will update this posting with the added links from readers incorporated into it. Thank you in advance.

The following are some of the many Suras posted on the Internet by Arabs:




4. http://suralikeit.com/ (12 Suras from Wahi “revelations” so far. Angel Jebraeel is not finished yet..)

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