Radhasyam Brahmachari

Because they have solid grounds, thanks to Obama himself, to assume so..

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Shibani Acharya, 19, from a well-educated and well-off Hindu Brahmin family, fell victim to seduction by an uneducated Muslim day-labourer, who already had a wife and five children. When her father, after spending much effort, could reach her, she was outrageously rude to him and in passionate defence of the poverty-stricken, uneducated and already-married man... Is that incredible?

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A physicist wonders how Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man hell-bent on building a giant mosque at the 9/11 Ground Zero site, educated in Physics at the prestigious Columbia University, reconciles his training in Physics with preposterous Islamic notion on many scientific issues.

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In a democartic and capitalist system, the government can do nothing to stop a project like the Ground Zero Mosque at 9/11 attack site...

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Anjem Choudary's hate-preaching to Muslims' insulting the British troops --- all result of Muslim appeasement...

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