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Universal Jihad: Radical Islam's Worldwide War on Liberal Democracies
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- Written by Vijay Kumar
- Hits: 4572
The Jihad attacks on September 11, 2001 spurred the U.S. to embark on the global War on Terror and invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq under Bush costing over a trillion dollars and thousands of life. The war continues under Obama under a new label, the so-called Overseas Contingency Operations, but involving the same cost in resources and life. But Jihad still thrives on. So, what's needed to be done??
Family on Sale: Keep Us as Slave & Give Us Security of Life
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- Written by B. George
- Hits: 8029
A Pakistani Christian's desperate plea to the West: Please buy my family and keep us as your slave. Despite the indignity, we would, at least, be secure. No fear of rockets, bomb blasts, and mob violence. My kids would be able to play whatever they want and move freely elsewhere...
Fraudulent Translation of Muhammad's 'Last Sermon' to Make It Egalitarian
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- Written by T. Omar Moros
- Hits: 24332
How deceptive Islamists mistranslate the so-called "Last Sermon" of Muhammad to make it sound egalitarian and progressive, what it is not...
Write comment (38 Comments)What Really Happened in 1947: An Open Letter to Khushwant Singh
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- Written by Jagmohan Singh Khurmi
- Hits: 15813
How the renowned Indian journalist distorted the history of 1947 Partition of India by making Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs equally guilty of the violence and massacre, although it was Muslims who initiated the whole issue and perpetrated horrendous unprovoked violence for almost year before the Sikhs and Hindus started striking back.
Write comment (21 Comments)Religious Cleansing in Iran
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- Written by J. K. Choksy & Nina Shea
- Hits: 7674
A few weeks ago, I recieved an email from a Canadian, who had been told by some apologist of the Iranian Islamic regime that the minorities in Iran enjoy complete religious freedom and liberty. Here's the reality: "Forty years ago, under the Shah, a visitor would have seen a relatively tolerant society. Iran now appears to be in the final stages of religious cleansing. Pervasive discrimination, intimidation, and harassment have prompted non-Muslims to flee in disproportionately high numbers."
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