Islam in Vogue
27 Jan, 2009
This article first appeared in
Australian Islamist Monitor
Jemima Khan's delusional world of Islam
Vogue, November 2008, featured an article about female converters to
Islam by Jemima Khan, herself a woman who converted from Judaism for
the sake of her marriage to Imran Khan over ten years ago. An
excellent choice for a first husband, her father said at the time,
although I would say not an entirely excellent choice of religion to
be married to, for if she has chosen to leave the religion, she has
been quieter about that than about her divorce – understandably, as
she might well prefer to live a pleasant life with her children
rather than risk being on the receiving end of a bit of
anti-apostate Islamic activity.
Interviewing three enthusiastic converters to her assumed religion did not evince a correspondingly excitable tone in Ms Khan’s writing. Indeed I detected a tone that could be interpreted as subtle cautioning regarding the leap these women had made, which cannot fail to be seen alogside her personal decision to return to England and a “Western” lifestyle after ten years in Pakistan; this was despite her assertion, several years ago, that the "superficialities" of a Western woman's lifestyle, which she had fully enjoyed, had "little to do with true happiness".
It all happened: Sufi poetry, the Koran with its “clarity and logic”, the desire to “feel the religion…experience the beauty”, the prayer mat. Down she went, and now she is happy. Well, maybe not completely happy. She was married to an Egyptian Muslim man, but the marriage fell apart “for cultural reasons”. Nothing to do with Islam, of course, just Egyptian culture, and now she wants to find a man who, like her, can “bridge both worlds”, not a “conservative born-Muslim who wants a virgin from his own culture”.
Maybe she read Sufi poetry more than she read the Koran, or maybe some of the “clarity and logic” of the Koran escaped her. And

Not that I want to be pessimistic. If “maintaining her purity” is her passion, then it is all worth it – purity is her reward. She has even done the hajj – what more could a modern woman want?
The second woman is one Myriam Cerrah, who – naturally – before converting also indulged in a free-and-easy life, “like any young girl of my class and background, clubbing at the age of fourteen, drinking…” She also happened to be a beautiful model and actress, just the type we Vogue-readers adore. But she “traded it for something far superior”, including the hijab, which, judging by the pictures, does nothing to detract from her naturally glamorous beauty. She became a Muslim at Cambridge; at twenty-five, she is following an MA in Arab Studies with a PhD on the subject of “Islamism”, something that impresses JK as displaying a “formidable intellect… it’s hard to cast her as either naïve or repressed”.
While I am not certain that one needs a “formidable” intellect to gain a PhD from Oxford these days, one would need a formidable degree of intellectual delusion to come to the conclusions Myriam did. She read the Koran in French (we are talking big intellect here) “one evening”, found it “mind-blowing” and converted that night. Can the Koran be read in an evening? I must say, when I read just some of the Koran one evening for the first time, I also found it “mind-blowing” but in a completely different way; I was shocked and horrified, could not sleep properly, and took a few days to recover.

One thing sadly missing from her life is a Muslim family. It would be just so nice, she sighed, if she could direct all those Muslim men who come up to her in the street, and ask if she is married, to them. Just ask her family? Is she joking? She would consider, for even a moment, marrying some absolute desperate who approached her in the street? That her formidable intellect would permit such a way of thinking seems peculiar, to say the least, but there appears to be a strongly attention-seeking aspect to conversion, especially to a religion as controversial as Islam. It is likely that the idea of “negotiations” taking place between her many street-suitors and indulgent dream-family, the settling of a price perhaps, appeals to such a type.
The third woman, Sarah Joseph, was, yes, yet another escapee from a life of “superficiality” in the fashion world; her mother had a modelling agency and Sarah grew up “surrounded by models.” A world of “trauma…so much pain for the girls. I can still remember the weekly weigh-ins.” It must have been so terrible; not like life for Muslim girls in Muslim countries, where all is sweetness and love, no competitiveness between the girls, just wonderful home life and marriage at a suitable age to a man carefully chosen by prudent parents with only their daughters’ interests at heart. No dieting, no exercise, no traumatic weigh-ins, just a steady, comfortable progression to a very fat middle age, and all those years in a nice uniform, so much more convenient than having to worry about horrid, superficial fashion.
(What’s that? Female circumcision? Trauma? Don’t ask, Jemima! Anyway, it’s a cultural thing, nothing to do with Islam, just stick to the nice bits about Islam, the positives...)
Sarah, living in her (formerly) shallow world, before Islam lightened her life about twenty years ago, had developed a “prejudice” about Islam which neatly corresponds, still and indeed increasingly, to much of its reality. “Seventies Palestinian terrorists, the two women in yashmaks who squashed me in a lift near the agency, and an Arab playboy husband of one of the models, who once rushed into the office shouting; ‘I divorce thee, I divorce thee, I divorce thee!’” Strangely, Palestinian terrorism seems to have ceased by the end of the seventies in her mind, and only exists for her as an expression of “prejudice”, rather than an ongoing manifestation of Islamic, Koranic teaching and a source of agony and death which appears regularly and from which no non-Muslim culture or country is deemed by those invariably Muslim terrorists to be allowed exemption.

Neither did women in yashmaks, (whatever they are, but a yashmak is bound to be a lot bigger and less pleasing to the eye than, say, a Prada or a Karl Lagerfeld outfit), shoving her out of the way, deter her. Only “prejudice”! And divorce by public shouting and humiliation, okay in Islam, which she saw for herself; yes, it existed, but somehow this experience only amounted to “prejudice”.
But this was a girl with a “sophisticated social conscience”, just the type to embrace Islam, the religion of peace and justice above all. When just a girl, she had aspirations to be a nun, a “Mother Teresa” figure, but found the idea of “papal infallibility and original sin problematic.” While not countenancing the notion of an infallible pope, she has surely had to become more credulous with her conversion. Meanwhile, there is yet to be an Islamic “Mother Teresa” figure: somehow, there is no allowance for nun-like lives for Muslim women, that is, not until they are dispensed with and replaced with younger models (we are talking about a different kind of model here…), when they are free, not to mention required, to live like nuns, not from choice but by rejection. Young women, on the other hand, are quite simply needed for marriage service, not wasted on celibacy; the idea of nuns is unthinkable in a culture of polygamy.
(What’s that? Polygamy? Come on, that is nothing to do with Islam, not modern, enlightened Islam, not really; well, okay, sometimes, but it’s culture, not Islam. Better not mention it in Vogue. And if you really have to, say that the women love it, they live like sisters…Vogue is nothing if not politically correct. But luckily, for now at least, polygamy isn’t an issue with this trio of happy young converts.)
The hijab is of course a central issue. The first woman declines to wear it, saying it is not culturally appropriate in Britain, (She wears her hijab “on her heart”), while the second wears it with pride (and more than a little vanity, perhaps) and the third just looks like any chubby-faced Muslimah. But JK herself described it as “seemingly innocuous” and “not dissimilar to the scarves often worn by our own Queen”. If I were the Queen, I would write to Vogue and protest. The Queen wears a scarf to control her hair when she is out riding or walking in the wind, not as a symbol of submission to Allah and all men and a show of superiority to and separation from women of despised lesser religions! “Associated with patriarchy”? “Associated with the control of female sexuality”? Too right, JK, it makes non-Muslims angry, and Muslim converts are being both ostentatious and disingenuous when they wear the hijab in a Western culture which, less than any other “Muslim” culture, does not consider it compulsory.

For Myriam, it is about “choice”. Good old choice, and what would we in the West do without it? But she does add, rather darkly, that “I’ve always thought…oppression works in far more pernicious ways than clothes.” And, incredibly, she says that she “would rather [people] assessed me on what I have to say than what I look like.” So is that why Muslim women are covered up; because everyone cares about what they think and say, not what they look like? It is all becoming clear…the hijab exists because Muslim men, more than any other men in the world, want to concentrate fully on what their women have to say. This is true equality, Islam-style, and Western women just don’t get it: if they would only cover up, and to extenuate the logic best of all through a black cloth on their faces, they could probably rule the world, because men would sit up and really listen.
(Of course, we women, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, are on the other hand frankly sexist, and highly sexed too. We want to see men’s faces. We don’t care one bit what they have to say, just what they look like. Otherwise we would insist on them covering up!)
But Myriam is a true aficionado, earnest about everything to do with Islam. At first she would not even shake hands with men – a sign of a true attention-seeker – and still believes it is “sinful” to socialise with people when they are drinking alcohol, actually going “to the loo” at weddings she is invited to while her friends drink, rather than “ask for a separate table.” One must imagine she takes a good book with her to the loo…
Despite these little problems, all to do with non-believers, of course, not with Islam, these women, according to JK, “share a sense of calm and spiritual fulfilment, in stark contrast to the way they felt as young women… the real battle they face now is with the way they are perceived.” Thus they have taken on the Islamic neurosis, the problem with “image.” They want to ignore the unpalatable truth about the history, the world view, the ambitions, the terrorism-slavery-looting-raping details, the fate of apostates, the creeping

They worry about image, and have no inkling of how they are going to cope when their “image”, together with the growing “prejudice”, that is, acceptance of reality, by others who are not so romantic about Islam, explodes into an image, a reasonable image, of cowardly collaboration with the enemy. For now, they are safe behind a curtain of political correctness, but when England is finally and possibly irrevocably impoverished by multiculturalism, mass immigration and particularly Islam, or even if Sharia finance props England up but imposes unsavoury cultural costs along with the money, these women might find life on the prayer mat not quite so cool. And I doubt that “Vogue” will be interested in how they feel any more.
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Name: Ash
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 01:26:11 -0500
This is so good - incisive and to the point. It is hard to believe that otherwise normal people can fall for this everything-is-rosy-in-the-garden mentality. It would appear that the woman interviewed for Vogue have an identity and selfacceptance crisis - they are unable to accept the intrinsic worth of their lives and selves. Consequently, they need something to belong to and identify with, something that is different and perhaps controversial to some degree, and something that spells out for them how they should behave and think. This can then be claimed the Greay Discovery or the ultimate truth and light that is so obvious that all the unbelievers should be able to see and accept it. Oh Dear, Oh Dear, what a fright for any person with a truly enquiring mind seeking to leave the world a better place.
Name: weak minded peopple exists in all societies
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 01:40:13 -0500
weak minded people exists in all societies. They seal mental and emotional security in conversions which is a myth after some years. First all these converts what they want and why they convert. These helpless ignorant fellows misinterpret and misconcept that their problems will get solved in so called conversions.
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 02:30:57 -0500
I am a foxy ambitious women looking to further my fashion career and this article has convinced me to go out and find myself a Muslim man and marry His sweet pure heart..... He will save me and i will be safe. Then we will be able to subtly and dishonestly cheat our way through life. I won't have to mature or develop or anything! AH! Spiritual development and enlightenment perfected! This is just what i always wanted, isn't it?
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 02:53:18 -0500
The ignorance of these women is shocking. Or is it obfuscation? All that whitewashing of Islam! When are they shifting residence to Saudi Arabia? Just cant understand why some Hindu readers keep on ranting at Christians. Hardly 2 – 2 1/2 percent of them exist in India. If this is all the British could do after centuries of ‘Christian’ administration why are these paranoid nutjobs so worried? Why should it matter what Christians believe in when they leave others in peace ? Christians don’t have the clout to fight against any community in India. You are fighting windmills if you are scared of Christianity in India.
Name: amar khan
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 03:33:25 -0500
great a days imran khan is talking about sharia in pakistan.if any one enforced sharia in pakistan i will be the first person to lodge a case against imran khan of adultry and drinking wine.
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 05:19:01 -0500
Name: jenn
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 05:29:34 -0500
I am a western woman who converted to islam in the 90s and later had the wisdom and courage to escape it. Islam is a cult that appeals to people, specially women who are uneducated, poor, homeless, who suffer from mental problems and of low self esteem, because such women become easy pray to muslim cultists who roam the world disguised as generous people. But once you are trapped in the web of islam then escaping it becomes very difficult for a woman, because once converted you become the property of a filthy musim man. From those muslim propagandists and apologists I ask this question, ' What inspiration can you gain from a man such as Mohammad who raped captive women including 9 year old Aisha, murdered innocent people, looted their property and lied that an angel spoke to him?' LOL
Folks, keep the discussion on the article. Otherwise, we have to close the thread. - editor
Name: will any of these islamic babes [ lol ] marry osama or mulla omar ???
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 07:37:32 -0500
i have a question to these women : since u r TRUE MUSLIMS why dont u immediately go off to afganistan/swat and marry the real deal,ie mulla omar baitulla masud,osama etc ? surely yr imaginary allah will be much more happy than what he is now with u ?? why oh why u women r not migrating to afganist/saudi arabia RIGHT NOW ?? btw i am ex-muslim man from india.and i agree all religion r man created and i agree hindus r trying to change.and i agree all religion r man created and world without all hate based ideology like nazism religionism etc will be better than what we have today.
Name: why these women r showing their faces? so muslim men get turned on and masturbate?
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 07:44:31 -0500
i wonder if these women r really muslim.they r not circumscised.they r showing their faces especially jemima.what is their goal ? to show their face and body to muslim men so they masturbate ??? these women r surely not muslim. piss be on these muslim glam-dolls on muslims and their jihadi ideas.
Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 08:13:50 -0500
Sigh! Sadly most women only learn about the true face of Islam when it is too late. Here is a news report dated just yesterday: "British mother convicted of adultery in Dubai flees with her two children," from the Malaysian Insider, January 26: DUBAI, Jan 26 - A British mother facing three months in a Dubai jail after an appeal court upheld her conviction for adultery is on the run with her two young children. Marnie Pearce, 40, fled with her sons Laith, seven and Ziad, four, after a court ruled that she should be jailed for three months for being unfaithful to her Egyptian ex-husband Ihab El-Labban, 41. Pearce insists she never had an affair, but was framed by her former lover so he could win custody of their sons. Dubai"s Appeal Court ordered the teaching assistant from Bracknell, Berkshire, to be deported after the prison term had been served, and pay of fine of 3,000 dirhams (RM2,965). "I am begging somebody to help me, please help me. I am scared that if I go to prison my ex-husband will take the children and I will never see them again. She said when her appeal had been lost, she begged her ex-husband to drop the case. "I fell to my knees and told him, "You can stop this. You can make this go away." He just sneered and said "no". Pearce, who converted to Islam, met El-Labban, a well-off company executive, in Oman and married him in the Seychelles in September 1999. They moved to Dubai but their marriage eventually broke down. She said: "The Koran says that heaven is at the feet of the mother. I am Muslim - there should be nothing in this world that takes children from their mother. "I did everything to be at my husband"s side. I lived with him as a Muslim for ten years, my children are circumcised, they don"t eat pork, they are fluent in Egyptian," Pearce told the Telegraph." --- This woman gets NO sympathy from me because she obviously only married him for his money.
Name: Living Hell
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 08:36:31 -0500
Islam is a terrible LIVING HELL especially for women.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 09:17:45 -0500
"[Myriam] read the Koran in French....“one evening”, found it “mind-blowing” and converted that night."...I rather suspect the reality is that she had already been fed a lot of spiel ABOUT Islam by some deceitful Muslim inveigler (probably a male she'd got the hots for) she had taken up with and had read a lot of Muslim-written books ABOUT Islam painting it in glowing terms. She had decided to convert before opening a page of the Koran - which was by now a mere formality which she undertook with her critical faculties totally suspended. How else could one find that pile of confused, self-contradicting, hate-mongering horsecrap "mind-blowing"?
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 09:19:45 -0500
Perhaps Jemima still holds a candle for her former husband and is hoping that flattering his faith will induce him to get in contact with her and have her back.
Name: DH
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 09:25:32 -0500
"The third woman, Sarah Joseph, was, yes, yet another escapee from a life of “superficiality” in the fashion world; her mother had a modelling agency and Sarah grew up “surrounded by models.” A world of “trauma…so much pain for the girls. I can still remember the weekly weigh-ins.”....From which, through a process of irrefutable logic, she drew the conclusion that there is no god but Allah and a seventh century, child-molesting, rape-sanctioning, slave-trading, concubine-keeping, mass-murdering, caravan-raiding terrorist called Muhammad is his messenger!!!!
Name: Charles Martel
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 10:26:36 -0500
Another obvious reason to end Moslem immigration to the West, and squeeze out those that are here.
Name: Only way to deal with Islam
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 18:13:23 -0500
The only way to deal with islam is to declare it a non religion and ban it as a violent hateful ideology .That means no taxbreaks, no mosques, no islamic schools,no preaching, no radio/TV programs , no religion based visas for mullas.See how islam gets watered down in a hurry.
Name: Az
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 18:14:59 -0500
Name: THE Only way to deal with Islam
Date: Tuesday January 27, 2009
Time: 19:33:14 -0500
The only way is to get rid of all the religious teachers of Islam. Stop all Muslim emigration to Europe. Demolish mosques, maddrasahs
Name: john
Date: Thursday January 29, 2009
Time: 11:12:57 -0500
So much hate! The contributers to this forum are as bad as the people they despise. Fanatics the lot of you.