Controversies About the Age of Aisha
16 Aug 2008
The majority of Muslims agree that Aisha was only 9 years old when the Prophet married her. This site makes no apology for her young age and accuses the modernists for humbugging the Westerns morality and denying the truth.
This other site also defends Muhammad for marrying Aisha at 9 claiming that girls reach puberty at that age and therefore are considered adult and having sex with them at such tender age is acceptable.
However there are some “modernist” Muslims who dispute this fact.
They argue: (taken from this site)
- According to the generally accepted tradition, Aisha (ra) was born about eight years before Hijrah. But according to another narrative in Bukhari (kitabu'l-tafseer) Aisha (ra) is reported to have said that at the time Surah Al-Qamar, the 54th chapter of the Qur'an, was revealed, "I was a young girl". The 54th surah of the Qur'an was revealed nine years before Hijrah. According to this tradition, Aisha (ra) had not only been born before the revelation of the referred surah, but was actually a young girl (jariyah), not an infant (sibyah) at that time. Obviously, if this narrative is held to be true, it is in clear contradiction with the narratives reported by Hisham ibn `urwah. I see absolutely no reason that after the comments of the experts on the narratives of Hisham ibn `urwah, why we should not accept this narrative to be more accurate.
Even if we assume this narrative to be accurate, we have no
reason to give it more weight than those that are so detailed
about Aisha ’s age, describing her playing with her dolls,
talking about her girlfriends coming to play with her and hiding
when Muhammad entered the room, her memories of playing on the
swing when her mother called her and washed her face and took
her to Muhammad, her ignorance of what was going on and her
“surprise” when Muhammad got into action taking his role as
the husband, etc. These events are more likely to be remembered
by someone of her childhood than when a particular Surah was
revealed. It is more probable that a person confuse one Surah
with the other than confuse all those details of her own life.
- According to a number of narratives, Aisha (ra) accompanied the Muslims in the battle of Badr and Uhud. Furthermore, it is also reported in books of hadith and history that no one under the age of 15 years was allowed to take part in the battle of Uhud. All the boys below 15 years of age were sent back. Aisha 's (ra) participation in the battle of Badr and Uhud clearly indicate that she was not nine or ten years old at that time. After all, women used to accompany men to the battle fields to help them, not to be a burden on them.
This is a weak excuse. When the Battle of Badr and Ohud occurred
Aisha was 10 to 11 years old. She did not go to be a warier,
like the boys. She went to keep Muhammad warm during the nights.
Boys who were less than 15 were sent back, but this did not
apply to her.
- According to almost all the historians Asma (ra), the elder sister of Aisha (ra) was ten years older than Aisha (ra). It is reported in Taqri'bu'l-tehzi'b as well as Al-bidayah wa'l-nihayah that Asma (ra) died in 73 hijrah when she was 100 years old. Now, obviously if Asma (ra) was 100 years old in 73 hijrah she should have been 27 or 28 years old at the time of hijrah. If Asma (ra) was 27 or 28 years old at the time of hijrah, Aisha (ra) should have been 17 or 18 years old at that time. Thus, Aisha (ra), if she got married in 1 AH (after hijrah) or 2 AH, was between 18 to 20 years old at the time of her marriage.
When someone gets that old, people don’t care too much about
her exact age. It is very easy to say she was 100 years old when
in fact she was only 90. The difference is not noticeable to the
younger folks and 100 is a round figure. Assuming the Hadith is
authentic, it could be an honest mistake. Since in those days
people did not carry birth certificates, it is very much likely
that the person who reported her age to be 100 did not know that
she was 10 years older than Aisha and did not sit to make the
calculations and deductions. She was not an important person and
it did not occur to anyone that 1300 years later it would become
the subject of a controversy. This could be a genuine mistake by
the narrator of the Hadith.
- Tabari in his treatise on Islamic history, while mentioning Abu Bakr (ra) reports that Abu Bakr had four children and all four were born during the Jahiliyyah -- the pre Islamic period. Obviously, if Aisha (ra) was born in the period of jahiliyyah, she could not have been less than 14 years in 1 AH -- the time she most likely got married.
Tabari’s narratives do not have the distinction to be known
Sahih. Even if we assumed that this narratives is not forged,
there is no reason to discard all those strong, detailed and
explicit hadithes that concord with each other and confirm the
age of Aisha was 9 when she married the Prophet, to accept this
narrative that, could very well be also an innocent slip on the
part of the narrator. People remember important events better
than those that are relatively insignificant. The date of the
birth of the children of Abu Bakr was not an important subject
for Muslims to record. But the details of the Prophet's
marriages were more important. As you can read in the story of
Safiyah's wedding even the kind of food served is recorded.
- According to Ibn Hisham, the historian, Aisha (ra) accepted Islam quite some time before Umar ibn Khattab (ra). This shows that Aisha (ra) accepted Islam during the first year of Islam. While, if the narrative of Aisha 's (ra) marriage at seven years of age is held to be true, Aisha (ra) should not have been born during the first year of Islam.
The apologist fails to provide the references to the hadithes
that he quotes. But obviously this is an error. To understand
and accept a religion, one must he at least intelligent enough
to make such decision. That is about 15 years old. But let us be
generous and say that age is about 12. If Aisha accepted Islam
during the first year of Islam, she must have been 26 years old
when Muhammad married her. (12 + 14) First of all, in those days
girls married at much younger age. No one stayed that long to
get married. And it is very unlikely that a 26-year-old woman
plays with her dolls. It shows that some of the Muslim
apologists are embarrassed of what the Prophet did and are
desperately looking for excuses to exonerate him of his
- Tabari has also reported that at the time Abu Bakr planned on migrating to Habshah (8 years before Hijrah), he went to Mut`am -- with whose son Aisha (ra) was engaged -- and asked him to take Aisha (ra) in his house as his son's wife. Mut`am refused, because Abu Bakr had embraced Islam, and subsequently his son divorced Aisha (ra). Now, if Aisha (ra) was only seven years old at the time of her marriage, she could not have been born at the time Abu Bakr decided on migrating to Habshah. On the basis of this report it seems only reasonable to assume that Aisha (ra) had not only been born 8 years before hijrah, but was also a young lady, quite prepared for marriage.
It was an Arab tradition to betroth a girl to a boy even when
the girl was a newborn. This tradition is still carried on in
many Islamic countries. This is no proof that Aisha was a grown
- According to a narrative reported by Ahmad ibn Hanbal, after the death of Khadijah (ra), when Khaulah (ra) came to the Prophet (pbuh) advising him to marry again, the Prophet (pbuh) asked her regarding the choices she had in her mind. Khaulah said: "You can marry a virgin (bikr) or a woman who has already been married (thayyib)". When the Prophet (pbuh) asked about who the virgin was, Khaulah proposed Aisha 's (ra) name. All those who know the Arabic language, are aware that the word "bikr" in the Arabic language is not used for an immature nine year old girl. The correct word for a young playful girl, as stated earlier is "Jariyah". "Bikr" on the other hand, is used for an unmarried lady, and obviously a nine year old is not a "lady".
This explanation is absolutely incorrect. Bikr means virgin and,
just as in English is not age specific. In fact Aisha was the
second wife of Muhammad (after Khadijah) but Muhammad did not
consummate his marriage with her for three years because she was
too young. Instead he had to content himself with Umma Salamah,
until Aisha matured a little bit more.
It would not have made sense to marry a beautiful woman
like Aisha and wait for three years to take her home.
- According to Ibn Hajar, Fatimah (ra) was five years older than Aisha (ra). Fatimah (ra) is reported to have been born when the Prophet (pbuh) was 35 years old. Thus, even if this information is taken to be correct, Aisha (ra) could by no means be less than 14 years old at the time of hijrah, and 15 or 16 years old at the time of her marriage.
Of course this information cannot be taken as correct. If Aisha
was five years older than Fatimah, and Fatimah was born when the
Prophet was 35 years old, then Aisha was only 30 years younger
than the Prophet. So at the time of her marriage when the
Prophet was 54, Aisha must have been 24 yeas old. This is not
certainly correct, for the reasons explained above and also it
contradicts the Hadith that the apologist quoted about the age
of Asma, Aisha ’s sister, who according to that Hadith was 10
years older that Aisha and died in 73 Hijra. So at the time of
Hijra Asma must have been 100 –73 = 27 years old, but
according to this Hadith she was 34 years old. The discrepancy between these two hadithes quoted by the same
apologist, demonstrate their inaccuracy. It all goes to show
that in those days numbers did not mean much. It is more likely
that people forget the dates. But events are better remembered.
The reports of the tender age of Aisha is consistent with the
stories of her childhood, playing with her toys, her girlfriends
hiding when Muhammad entered the room, the Prophet playing with
her, her ignorance and “surprise” in the night of the
nuptials, etc. All those hadithes confirm that she was a little
girl. Those who deny the facts and try to prove otherwise,
demonstrate their embarrassment of the acts of the Prophet.
Perhaps they should be credited for having some scruples and
realizing that what the Prophet did was wrong but we cannot
praise them for their intellectual honesty or lack of it.Finally the apologist concludes:
- “In my opinion, neither was it an Arab tradition to give away girls in marriage at an age as young as nine or ten years, nor did the Prophet (pbuh) marry Aisha (ra) at such a young age. The people of Arabia did not object to this marriage, because it never happened in the manner it has been narrated.”
I respect his opinion, but disagree with him completely. Not
only this WAS the tradition of the Arabs, it is still their
tradition and it has become the tradition of other counties that
converted to Islam. Even up to this day it is very common to
find girls as young as 9-years given for matrimony. Of course
the reason that no one objected to the marriage of Muhammad and
a 9-year-old girl, is because it was a costume. The reason when
it was reported in so many hadithes that neither the author nor
the scholars objected is because it was nothing out of the
Just a few weeks ago I read in the news that in Iran a 9-year-old girl filed for divorce from her 15-year-old husband just after 20 days of marriage because he would constantly beat her. When the young man was questioned he said: “She neglects her housework and plays with her dolls all the time”.
Read also:
Aisha the Child Wife of Muhammad
Moral Evaluations of the Marriage of the Prophet with Aisha
This rebuttal was contested by an author who claimed Aisha was older than 9 years when she married the prophet. His response can be found here and here. However since he provided no further information or reasoning to support his claim. I see no reason to refute him either.
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Ali Sina is the editor of He is has contributed in 'Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside Islam'. His latest book is Understanding Muhammad: The Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet.
Name: YES Mo had madness or his was a cheat
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 03:50:50 -0700
YES Mo had madness or his was a cheat.CAn any person with brain believe these nasty things .Allah is imaginery god created by the Mo to satisfy his sexual and psychological carvings.
Name: Ananda
Date: Saturday August 16, 2008
Time: 12:57:04 -0700
(From MEMRI) Fifty-Something Saudi Refuses To Annul Marriage To His Eight-Year-Old Wife.... A Saudi man in his 50s has announced that he refuses to annul his year-and-a half-long marriage to an eight-year-old girl, because he claims never to have done anything forbidden by Islamic law.... He said that Islamic law does not set a specific age for marriage, and that the Prophet Muhammad married 'Aisha when she was nine.... Source: Al-Hayat, London, August 13, 2008.... Posted at: 2008-08-14
Name: Bull-crap!
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 00:29:25 -0700
Islamists don't want to accept that mohammed married a 6 year old girl so they try everything they can to try to divert the truth. The arabians thought mohammed a prophet to which a prophet can do anything he wants. They would not dare to speak out against his marrying a 6 year old girl for they knew if they did they would get the sword like many other people that stood in his path!
Name: Mad mohammad created mad religion islam.
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 02:53:52 -0700
Mad mohammad created mad religion islam.Now islamists where ever they go their HIV(hatred ,intolerence,Voilence)follows
Name: Ananda
Date: Sunday August 17, 2008
Time: 11:31:15 -0700
(The Murder of a Slave Wife and Mother)--- This incident involves a Muslim man who murdered his own slave wife and mother of his children.--- From the Hadith of Abu Dawud, Book 38, Number 4348: Narrated Abdullah Ibn Abbas:--- A blind man had a slave-mother who used to abuse the Prophet and disparage him. He forbade her but she did not stop. He rebuked her but she did not give up her habit. One night she began to slander the Prophet and abuse him. So he took a dagger, placed it on her belly, pressed it, and killed her. A child who came between her legs was smeared with the blood that was there.--- When the morning came, the Prophet was informed about it.--- He assembled the people and said: I adjure by Allah the man who has done this action and I adjure him by my right to him that he should stand up. Jumping over the necks of the people and trembling the man stood up.--- He sat before the Prophet and said: Apostle of Allah! I am her master; she used to abuse you and disparage you. I forbade her, but she did not stop, and I rebuked her, but she did not abandon her habit. I have two sons like pearls from her, and she was my companion. Last night she began to abuse and disparage you. So I took a dagger, put it on her belly and pressed it till I killed her.--- Thereupon the Prophet said: Oh be witness, no retaliation is payable for her blood.
Name: logic analyzer
Date: Monday August 18, 2008
Time: 05:22:13 -0700
moon year is smaller then sun year ..... how old aisha was in accordance to sun year ? i bet she must be 8 yrs something ...
Name: Billie
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 01:21:04 -0700
I've lived in Iran. My Iranian friend's mother had been married at the age of nine. Her daughter told me that her mother had been afraid of men ever since. This is a clear reference to the marriage being consummated at the age of nine and also to the fact that he beat her.
Name: Age of consent
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 08:05:16 -0700
///////History ///////// While the phrase age of consent typically does not appear in legal statutes when used with reference to criminal law, the age of consent is the minimum age at which a person is considered to be capable of legally giving informed consent to any contract or behaviour regulated by law with another person. This article refers specifically to those laws regulating sexual acts. This should not be confused with the age of majority, age of criminal responsibility, or the marriageable age. The age of consent varies widely from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. The median seems to range from 16 to 18 years, but laws stating ages ranging from 12 to 21 do exist. In many jurisdictions, age of consent is interpreted to mean mental or functional age. As a result, victims can be of any chronological age if their mental age is below the age of consent. Some jurisdictions forbid sexual activity outside of legal marriage completely. The relevant age may also vary by the type of sexual act, the sex of the actors, or other restrictions such as abuse of a position of trust. Some jurisdictions may also make allowances for minors engaged in sexual acts with each other, rather than a hard and fast single age. Charges resulting from a breach of these laws may range from a relatively low-level misdemeanor such as "corruption of a minor," to "statutory rape" (which is considered equivalent to rape, both in severity and sentencing). There are many grey areas in this area of law, some regarding unspecific and untried legislation, others brought about by debates regarding changing societal attitudes, and others due to conflicts between federal and state laws. These factors all make age of consent an often confusing subject, and a topic of highly charged debates. Based on ancient Jewish law, Bar and Bat Mitzvah placed age of consent at 12 for girls and 13 for boys. Marriage – In those jurisdictions where the marriageable age is less than the age of consent.[citation needed] Rape – where someone under the age of consent detains and rapes someone over the age of consent.[citation needed] These different defenses can change dramatically from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, even between neighbouring states of the same union with the same age of consent. Extraterritoriality Increasingly the age of consent laws of a state are applied not only to acts committed on its own territory, but also acts committed by its nationals or inhabitants on foreign territory. This is of questionable legality under international law but such questions are often ignored or neglected, for the most part for social and/or religious reasons. Such provisions have been frequently adopted to help reduce the incidence of child sex tourism. See the relevant sections below for discussion of laws in specific jurisdictions. See also Universal jurisdiction; the effective age of consent may be the highest of those corresponding to the list in Applicable jurisdictions. As early as 1798, Thomas Malthus proposed delaying the age of marriage to alleviate overpopulation. The minimum age at which a person is able to lawfully marry, and if parental or other consents are required, vary from country to country.
Name: ha ha ha .....
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 19:12:21 -0700
A phaedophile is a phaedophile. Moslem are working extra hard to polish the ugly face of Mohammad's biography. It is a shameful act that he married the nine-year-old Aisha, but sadly, after trying hard to polish it, proofs are saying the truth, that Mohammad is phaedophile, ha ha ha ....
Name: joshua
Date: Tuesday August 19, 2008
Time: 19:20:59 -0700
you are so set in you beliefs that no matter how many valid arguements are presented to you you would never hear it and come up with excuses. you really should learn all of your history from all religions. you need serious help.
Name: Baan Kohli
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 06:08:26 -0700
No one cares how the innocent are suffering for anumber of reason. Instead they target on the teaching of Islam and distort it. After all we this land belongs to all of us but which fate claims that they were given a oerticular land and go about killing any that does not belong to that fate? Well the answer is the fate that encourages and set a side religions so that they become strong. Not Muslims
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 18:25:55 -0700
If Sahih Bukahri is inauthentic, Muslims don't seem to concerned about striking it off the canons of Islam. Where are the public marches, the conferences, the debates? Don't they care for the millions of little girls getting molested because of Bukhari 7.62.64 et al? They only spring into action when we criticise Mohamed by quoting THEIR OWN SCRIPTURE.
Name: Hadiths are "sacred" in Islam
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 18:47:18 -0700
Name: A reminder to Joshua and all other non-Muslim apologists
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 18:56:56 -0700
If the situation were reversed, Muslims would never lift a finger to defend your faith. Pause for thought.
Name: That's true...
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 19:04:04 -0700
That's true, they wouldn't so kill those who leave islam!
Name: repeat for clarification
Date: Thursday August 21, 2008
Time: 20:18:48 -0700
However nobody knows Aisha's (RA) correct age, By the way I personally dont believe she was as young as 6- people keeping making her younger and younger.. Look you dont know the story.. I even heard that she went to the Battle of Badr, in order to go to that i'm pretty sure you have to be over 15/16. I also heard that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) married her to build alliances with her father, she didnt move in with Him (pbuh) right away. We live in a Western society right? I live in England.Here in England you can marry at the age of 16+ right? yet we all know that this varies across Europe, as a matter of fact in Holland currently its 12+.. what makes you think 9+ (with out moving in) wasnt acceptable 1400+ years ago?! Makes sense doesnt it.. Most of the time people in arranged marriage make efforts to love the other person and it is often very difficult when their interest, dreams, values and ambitions are different. Abu Bakr Siddique (RA) Aisha's (RA) father was Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) best mate, he wanted Muhammad (pbuh) to be his son in law, if Muhammad (pbuh) didnt marry her, she would have got married elsewhere (she was ready for marriage, and proposed to another but he was a pagan)- but she did have a say [Aisha (RA) went on to become one of the most successful female scholers Islam has ever known. It is reported that she taught 80 scholers during her lifetime, so she in a way was the scholer of scholers.. So much fame, so much success, yet not one day did she utter anything bad about her Father, the Prophet (pbuh) or her marriage- quite the contrary she always sang His praises, always even after He (pbuh) passed away- What we can learn is that Aisha liked the prophet. She was very talented. Do we know the age of Marry, the mother of Jesus (pbuh)? We can conclude that arrange marriage some times really succeed 1400 years and before that, 1) it said that early marriage increased a girl's maturity back then. 2)Early marriages was also beneficial because of the lower life expectancy. this was the custom of people all over the world even till the last century This sort of marriage still takes place in the third world (both Muslims and non-Muslims) It s still a custom. maybe you didnt know? What is the problem with Mohamed(PBUH) marrying Aisha?. God verse was supposed for all times. But God sent guidance with PERFECT moral standards. Don't look at legal ages made by humans. Answer these questions 1)Can a girl who has attained age make an informed decision for marriage? 2)Does she need to be in a relationship. . 3)Is she mature enough? Reply 1) yes, 2)no not necessary,. 3)both physically and mentally 2) Slavery was considered acceptable before 1400 years ago but it is wrong now. -Back in the days slavery was considered acceptable by everyone. -Islam promoted the liberation of the slaves. -I can say that today legal age has changed as kidz have to complete there basic education.
Name: Hadiths prove it
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 00:56:55 -0700
Hadiths prove Aisha's age to be no less than 6 years old. To defy that is to defy the Hadiths. Also, islam did not free the slaves, they are permitted in the koran.
Name: If you defy the Hadiths HERE...
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 01:28:22 -0700
If you defy the Hadiths HERE or try to discredit them, you matters well throw them all out whenever they say something you don't want to admit!
Name: Torch
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 04:15:38 -0700
The best age for a man and a woman to get married is 21(gregorian calendar) years old because their physical and mental development are full and complete they are matured enough to be a parent.
Name: To Torch...
Date: Friday August 22, 2008
Time: 10:14:35 -0700
21 is a good age to get married, you are right! But, to a pedophile like mohammed(pee-be-upon-him) 6 years old looks good! If the truth about mohammed is brought out, which even muslim scholars have had to admit, their only recourse is to kill other people for "blaspheming" mohammed.
Name: Evil Root & Evil Fruits
Date: Friday August 29, 2008
Time: 03:35:12 -0700
Jihadist Terrorist are Fruits , Islam is the Root. Whenever you destroy only fruits , it will never be end. Cause' The Root of Terrorism( islam ) will produce much more fruits(Terrorist Jihadist).The Problem is not with Musims, The Problem is islam Virus which transmitted to Human Brains by Qua'ran Book. So If we all want Peace without Jihadist Terrorist. All you(we ) have to do is To wide out the Root (islam). Without the Root of Terrorism (islam) . There will be no terrorist anymore. GAME OVER.
Name: Bad Root & Bad fruits
Date: Saturday August 30, 2008
Time: 06:55:28 -0700
Jihadist Terrorist are Fruits , Islam is the Root. Whenever you destroy fruits only , it will never be end. Cause' The Root of Terrorism( islam ) will produce much more fruits(Terrorist Jihadist).The Problem is not with Musims, The Problem is islam Virus which transmitted to Human Brains by Qua'ran Book. So If we all want Peace without Jihadist Terrorist. All you(we ) have to do is To wide out the Root (islam). Without the Root of Terrorism (islam) . There will be no terrorist anymore. GAME OVER.
Name: Khadar Yusuf
Date: Thursday December 11, 2008
Time: 04:29:37 -0500
Ali Sina, please can you tell me the meaning of these two traditions. 1)Ali ibn Abitalib(karamallahu wajhahu) said "hadithu an-nasa bima ya'rifunahu.Aturiduna an yukdhabaLLahu warasulahu" 2)And the Prophet Muhamad(p.b.u.h)said "lawla qawmi hudhatha ul-'ahdi la banaytu al-Ka'bata ala asasiha ". which means "if my people were not new in the rligion, I would have built the Kaaba on its original foundation. Go and learn these two traditions before you come here with the nasty stories of the Sunnis.
Name: Dr. Sal Zaidi
Date: Saturday December 20, 2008
Time: 14:48:29 -0500
Sir Your answers are exactly the same as all the other mitigated and nincompoop Mullahs. You have not given any reference of the news that you read about the marriage in Iran. You have discarded all the arguments that were put to you in a logical matter: age, there was a still a custom that a rope is named after the birth of a child and every year a knot is inserted in it. Why is that people like you do not come out from the cave of ignorance and help Islam as it should be instead of keeping the Muslim population illiterate and uninformed. Let me give you one example:I am sick and tired of these illiterate Mullahs at pulpits talking nonsense in the name of Islam and twisting Ayate Qurainiya and Ahadiths to justify their preconceived notions. One example should suffice: Some years ago, in Islamabad, a Mullah was giving a Khutba, extolling the sanctity of our Prophet. He said the phlegm that came out of Prophet's mouth when he coughed was smeared on the arms of a person who suffered from eczema, lo and behold, it disappeared instantly. The congregation recited the Allah Humma……what nonsense? Bibi Aisha was not 9 and our Prophet was not a paedophile. Get it into you thick skull