Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Speed of Light in the Quran?

Muslims are hard at work trying to find miracles in the Qur'an and each day they "find" something new. They gloat about it and pump themselves, spread the glad tiding across the Internet, publish it in their newspapers, and challenge others to disprove that miracle, until someone shows their error and deflates them like a punctured balloon. This does not stop them. Since they are eager to find miracles, and since there is no end to human gullibility, especially when you want to believe, they find a new miracle miracle every day.     

The Claim

Today I received a request to clarify the claim that the Qur'an has disclosed the speed of light more than a thousand years before it was calculated by scientists. 

In an article published in  Dr. Mansour Hassab-Elnaby claims the verse 32.5 reveals that light in one day travels a distance equal to 12,000 lunar orbits, and upon calculating that distance we find the exact speed of light.  

Here is that verse translated by Shakir: He regulates the affair from the heaven to the earth; then shall it ascend to Him in a day the measure of which is a thousand years of what you count..”

According to Dr. Hassab-Elnaby, "affairs" mentioned in this verse is light. So this verse reveals that light can travel in one day the distance that will take the Moon, 1000 years to span. 

It takes a Muslim's imagination to think this verse has anything to do with the speed of light. There is no mention of moon, light or even distance in this verse. However, let us agree with this assumed interpretation for now and see whether Dr. Hassab-Elnaby has his math right.    


1-  Wrong Calculation 

The average center-to-center distance from the Earth to the Moon is 384,403 km. The orbit of the Moon is nearly circulart. (That is why we see the Moon always with the same size) 

This means that for the Moon to go a full circle around the Earth it must travel a distance of  2,415,273 km (Circumference of the lunar orbit = 2r π  =   2 x 384,403 x 3.14159)

To orbit the earth 12,000 times the Moon must travel 28,983,278,898 km (2.415,273 x 12,000). This is how much the moon travels in 1000 lunar years. 

Light travels at a constant speed of 299,792.458 km. per second  

There are 86,400 seconds  in one day (60x60x24)

In 24 hours, light travels a distance of 25,902,068,371 km (299,792.458 x 86,400).

These two numbers are not the same. They are not even close. There is a difference of  3,081,210,527 km (28,983,278,898 - 25,902,068,371) between the distance traveled by the Moon in 1000 lunar years and the distance traveled by light in one day.

This difference is over twenty times the distance between the Earth and the Sun. So clearly Dr. Hassab-Elnaby got it wrong. The two numbers do not match.

That is not all. There is a difference between lunar month (phases) and lunar orbit.  The Moon makes a complete orbit around the Earth every 27.3 days, (sidereal month) while the periodic variations in the geometry of the Earth–Moon–Sun system are responsible for the lunar phases that repeat every 29.5 days (synodic month). There is a difference of 2.2 days between the lunar month and the lunar orbit.  (Wikipedia)  

In one lunar years the Moon revolves around the Earth  12.967 times (29.5 x 12 / 27.3) and not 12 times as this Muslim has erroneously calculated. So the distance that the moon travels in 1000 lunar years is actually 32, 045,078,461 km (12,967 x 2,4715,273).

The difference between this distance and the distance traveled by light in one day is 6,143,010,090 km (32, 045,078,461 - 25,902,068,371).  It would take light, another 5 hours 41 minutes to travel this extra distance.  

Alternatively we can say that the Moon revolves around the Earth 10,724 times to cover the distance that the light travels in 24 hours.   (Distance traveled by light in one day 25,902,068,371 km / The orbit of the Moon  2,415,273 km). 

It takes only 827 lunar years  for the Moon to go this distance and not 1000 lunar years. (10,724 revolutions of the Moon around the Earth  x 27.3 days that takes for each revolution / 354 days that exist in each lunar year).

No matter how you look at it Dr. Hassab-Elnaby's calculations are wrong. The distance traveled by the Moon in 1000 years and the distance traveled by light in one day are NOT the same. He is off  by nearly 25%.


2 -  Wrong Interpretation 

This is not his  only error. The verse talks about the “affairs of God” being sent to Earth and then ascending to Him in one day, the length of which is 1000 years. How on Earth this educated slave of Allah has determined that "affairs" means light?  The word used in Arabic is Amr.  It means commandment, order, cause, and affair. This is an allusion to God’s religion and not light.  Amrullah means the Cause of God. A more accurate translation of this verse is, God sends his Cause to Earth, which will return to Him, i.e. it will be revoked in one day, the length of which is equal to 1000 years. 

This is how Sheikh Ahmad Ahsai  (1753 -1826), founder of Shiite Sheikhieh school and his disciple Seyyed Kazim-i-Rashti  (1792- 1843) interpreted this verse. They claimed Islam does no longer meet the needs of the time and since it does not allow reform, it must be abrogated.  However, since no one can abrogate the word of God but God himself, this task rests on the shoulders of the awaited Mahdi, the Promised One of the Shiites.  Ahsai and Rashti said the end of Islam and the appearance of Mahdi has already been foretold in the Hadith and the Qur'an, and verse 32:5  gives the exact date. 

According to these eminent scholars, Amrullah, the cause of God, was completed when Hassan Askari, the last Shiite Imam died.  He was the last intermediary between God and Mankind.  Hassan Askari died in the lunar year 260 Hijra.  Ahsai believed that since, according to the verse 32:5, one thousand years after the communication between God and mankind is interrupted the cause of God (Islam) would be revoked يَعْرُجُ إِلَيْهِ ,  Mahdi should manifest himself in the year 1260 Hijra (1844 EC) 

Seyyed Kazem Rashti died one year before the expected year. He, was so sure that Mahdi would manifest himself in the coming year that he did not appoint any successor. He dissolved the Sheikhieh school ordering his disciples to scatter around Persia to find him. It was in this atmosphere of expectation that the 26 year old Seyyed Ali Mohammad Bab claimed to be the Promised One. Thanks to his sincerity and Christ like innocence he attracted most of the students of Seyyed Kazem and in a short time the Babi movement became so popular that took the country by storm. The amazing success of the Babis in converting the Iranians was seen as a threat to the clergy who instigated the king to execute Bab.  They started a brutal campaign of persecution of Babis and subsequently Bahais that has lasted till this day.  

I do not want to be an apologist for Bab. I do not believe in Islam and do not think the Qur'an contains any prophecy.  Anyone can interpret the Qur'an in anyway he pleases. I do not believe Bab was a messenger of God.  According to this author, that young man suffered from temporal lobe epilepsy, a mental condition that is characterized in his prolific, verbose, and incoherent writings.  He certainly believed in his cause and refused to recant to save his life. Nonetheless, in all fairness, one can see that Ahsai and Rashti  have given a much more logical interpretation to this verse than Dr. Hassab-Elnaby with his inane claim that the verse reveals the speed of light.  


3  -  Wrong Translation 

Which part of this verse talks about light or its speed? Muhammad in this verse is saying that a day of Allah is 1000 years long. This is his way of saying Allah is big, everything about him is big, and even his days are big.  Muhammad repeated the same thing in the verse 22.47 Verily a day in the sight of thy Lord is like a thousand years of your reckoning. There is no mention of affairs going up and down, light or speed of light in this verse.  

The length of the day is determined by how fast a planet revolves around its axis and it has nothing to do with the size of its inhabitants.  All we can understand from this verse is that the creator of the world lives in a very slow revolving planet.

Just to show the absurdity and confusion in the Qur'an let us see the verse 70:4:

The angels and the spirit ascend unto him in a Day the measure whereof is (as) fifty thousand years.”  

This verse has a similar content of the verse 32:5,  but here it says that the length of the day of God is 50,000 years.  This is a clear contradiction. Is a day of God 1000 years or is it 50,000 years?  Does it mean that it takes 50,000 years for angels and spirits to reach God? That is awfully slow. Then how could Angel Gabriel take Muhammad to heaven and back in one night? The Qur'an is replete with contradictions and absurdities. Muhammad had found a gullible audience who gobbled everything he told them uncritically. He never thought one day his words will be scrutinized and he lies will be exposed. 


4  -  Wrong Parameters 

There is still more problem with this claim. The speed of light is constant while the rotation of the Earth, thanks to losing its kinetic energy, is slowing down. Therefore, the days of the Earth are becoming longer. Also the Moon is getting  away from the Earth and its orbit is widening. To orbit the Earth, the Moon has to travel a little more each time.  How can one measure something that is constant with things that are variable? The very notion of measuring the speed of light with the orbit of the Moon or the length of the day is a fallacy.


5  -  Stolen Miracle 

The funny thing is that even this comparison that the day of God is equal to 1000 years is plagiarized from the Bible and is not Muhammad's original idea. 

For a thousand years in your sight  are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night. Psalm 90:4

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.2 Peter 3:8

When the Psalmist says a thousand years for God is like a watch in the night, he means God is timeless. In those days people used sundials that only worked in sunshine. This is a beautiful way to say time does not exist for God. This thousand years should be taken allegorically and not literally.  

Peter understood that. He said with Lord not only a thousand years is like one day, also one day is like a thousand years. What that humble fisherman was saying is that Time is irrelevant for God. Compare that with the pathetic attempt of Muslim doctors and scholars who take this plagiarized allegory literally and try to find scientific equations in it.  

Assuming there is a miracle in this allegory shouldn't the credit go to  the Bible? Isn't it interesting that neither the Jews nor the Christians have made the claim that these verses reveal scientific information, but Muslims make that claim even though Muhammad has copied the idea form the Bible? What this tells us about the state of the mind of Muslims? Doesn't this show they are insecure and desperate to validate their illogical faith by clinging to any straw? 


6  - Does the Qur'an distinguish synodic and sidereal months? 

Dr. Mansour Hassab-Elnaby claims, "Quranic verse (10:5) discriminates between the synodic period for knowing the number of years and the real sidereal period for reckoning in scientific calculations."  This is the verse in question: 

It is He Who made the sun to be a shining glory and the moon to be a light [wrong. Moon is not a source of light], and measured out stages for her; that ye might know the number of years and the count. 10:5

This verse in no ways discriminates between synodic and sidereal months. Dr. Hassab-Elnaby is engaging in wishful thinking.


7  -  The Islamic Divine Comedy 

In their quest to find miracles in  the Qur'an, Muslims unwittingly make, not only Islam, but the entire Divine system look like a joke. Our good doctor says, "The verse begins with a reference to a certain "cosmic affair" which GOD creates and commands. This affair travels, permanently through the whole universe between the heavens and the Earth, so speedily that it crosses in ONE DAY a maximum distance in space equivalent to that which the moon passes during ONE THOUSAND LUNAR YEAR (i.e. during 12000 Sidereal months)."

"Affairs traveling permanently through the whole universe at speed of light?"  Methinks the Doctor is talking about UFOs.  Now, when it comes to the Universe, the speed of light is not really that fast. It is a very slow way for God to run his affairs. These "cosmic affairs" traveling at the speed of light take one full day to reach the Earth.  If you are in peril, forget about asking Allah for help. By the time he send you his succor, a day is passed and that is often too late. 

Consider yourself lucky because Allah is only one light day away from the Earth (I thought Muhammad said he is closer to us than our jugular vein). He lives just around the corner of our solar system. Think of other poor creatures that live hundreds or thousands light years away or those who live in galaxies that are millions or billions light years away from God.  How can God run his affairs in those galaxies when the communication is so slow? For all intent and purposes, as far as those far away galaxies are concerned God does not exist.  In his zeal to ascribe miracles to the prosaic book of Muhammad, Dr. Hassab-Elnaby throws out of the window the concept of omnipresence of God altogether. The maker of the Universe, according to this Muhammadan, depends on the speed of light to manage his affairs. 

It is pathetic that in this day of science and enlightenment, a billion otherwise normal people, many of whom doctors and educated, should still follow an ignoramus of the seventh century and waste their time trying to find meaning and even miracles in his asinine balderdash. This should tell you everything you need to know about Muslim intelligentsia. The fact that, arguably the most prestigious Islamic site has published this nonsense proves the intellectual bankruptcy of the ummah

Islam is a joke. It is an irony that so many smart people have reduced themselves into jokers and laughing stocks for mankind. The more Muslims try to make Islam look logical and scientific the more ridiculous THEY look.  

More Miracles in the Quran

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Ali Sina is the editor of He is has contributed in 'Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside Islam'.  His latest book is Understanding Muhammad: The Psychobiography of Allah’s Prophet will be published soon.

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Name: Islam is No-Science
Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 03:23:02 -0700


Everywhere I go, I find this Islamic-Science-Hype increasingly pasted in Internet-Fora, at Youtube and even in newspapers and on TV. The reason is clear: Many muslims begin to understand that the quran is nothing more than a book of fairytales and this fact drives them crazy. They are in a great haste to find scientific miracles in the quran, now, what they never did before. Many of them seem to realize, that Islam might be over in a few years, and this makes them hurry up. However, there will be no merit to all this efforts. Of course, there will be some people intoxicated by all this hype, but it won´t last very long. In a few years, most people will realize that there is nothing behind it. And any muslim who once understands that all this is only a big lie, will be lost for islam forever. And then islam will disappear forever.

Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 06:45:29 -0700


Good Work Dr. Ali Sina! Quran is a book written by Mohamad ,who was supposedly an illiterate( which is a big LIE , as you know he could not have managed/mismanaged his wife Khadija's business ,nor could he have transacted any business being an illiterate). The whole creed is based on lies ,plagiarising Biblical myths and twisting them to suit Mohamad's lousy and immoral misadventures - his spree of plunder,rape,highway robbery all in the name of what was a cult turned into a religion. Religion, Bah! Mohamad was the most self-seeking ,immoral and irreligious bastard ever in the history of the humankind. To ascribe any science to quran and Mohamad's side-kick Allah through some vague ,incoherent and nonsensical verses is a fraud on humanity and an insult to all the endeavours and achievements of so many scientists and thinkers worldwide who have contributed to the progress of knowledge and science over the millennia! Islam is bullshit, quran a book to enslave human mind to ignorance and superstition and make submissive slaves to the diktats of foul criminals who call themselves imams,mullahs,muftis,ayatollahs,et al - who only want to vield absolute power over these slaves,all in the name of islam. With such closed minds no free inquiry is impossible and no progress in knowledge and science can be made at all. It will be just a recipe for disaster like in Iraq, Sudan,Ethiopia,Afhganistan, Saudi Arabia,etc. Quran is absolute bullshit- it has nothing worthwhile to offer to humanity - the examples of islamic nations proves this beyond any doubt.

Name: shareefaaali
Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 08:40:19 -0700


READ: (COPY AND PASTE THE ABOVE LINK PROPERLY PLEASE) Teachings of moha mad The following are some of the Surahs of moha mad which gives you the scientific mind of Muhammad. The Surahs were used by Moha mad fool his followers depending on the situation: a. When Abdullah bin Salam heard of the arrival of the Prophet at Medina, he came to him and asked - O Prophet, When does the child resemble it’s father and mother? . The Apostle replied - During sex, if the mother reaches her climax first, then the child will look like her. If the father reaches his climax first, then the child will look like him. b. Narrated Abu Talha - The Prophet said, - Angels do not enter a house which has either a dog or picture in it. c. If a house fly falls into the drink of anyone of you, he should dip it into the drink because it’s one wing has a disease and the other wing has a cure for that disease.

Name: Godot
Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 08:57:42 -0700


Well, here we go again! All religions (including Islam) have their own absurdities and literally UNBELIEVABLE tenets. Just one single example: Beside the plethora scientific evidences, Jews continue to believe that the earth is no more than 5767 years old.

Name: Godot
Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 11:20:16 -0700


Well, here we go again...singling out Islam! All religions (including Islam of course) are full of absurdities and literally UNBELIEVABLE tenets. Two examples are: (1)The Jewish belief that earth is 5768 years old. (2)The imaculate conception.

Name: All religions???
Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 12:33:13 -0700


It is true that judaism as well as islam contain many errors. But islam steals the errors from judaism and christianity and then it claims to be the only true religion directly from god! Moreover, I would not say that all religions disagree with science and logic. Buddhism does not reveal a genesis or any creationistic theory. It also does not claim to come from god. As well as confucianism which does not contain any speculation at all.

Name: Mo-sucked
Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 20:48:22 -0700


The comment notes on this page ask people to keep comments short. Would those Mohammedan crackpots who post (or should I say 'paste'?) huge slabs of unreadable prose please take note.

Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
Time: 23:59:04 -0700


"Allah says that nothing has been omitted from it (6:38)." Really Jorge? What about the verse on stoning for adultery.! Even Omar was honest enough to say it was omitted. Allah proves he is a liar!

Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 00:04:20 -0700


Two Worthies "Shareefeeali & Akhtar " are typical cases of taking inane lines out of the quran and ascribing Science to it - akhtar goes on to find 'quantum physics' in those lines - while Moahamad and his Allah just propogated that the sun rise from one murky puddle and sets in another murky puddle the same evening. They had no idea of the existence of great civilisations in the East like India ,China,Japan,Korea,etc. which were far more advanced than the Arabs any day. The Arabs never had any idea of the great civilisations of the American continents either, far be it to make tall and false claims about science ,geography or philosophy.Take modern science , for instance, it is the culmination of the endeavours of so many great thinkers from Thales,Socrates,Aryabhata,Newton,Kepler,Einstein,weinberger,C.V.Raman,and scores of great thinkers who had dedicated their lives in making so many discoveries,and you have a billion zombies robbing them of their credit and giving it all to the most stupid,irrational and superstititious book of some less than six hundred pages of bullshit the vast encyclopediac works of science and knowledge! If the quran is so enlightening ,why are the muslims so backward,bigoted,highly intolerent ,ignorant and highly superstitious? It is a cult that has grown from highway robbery and misappropriation of others wealth,perfected by its sole and only founder 'Mohamad'. You cannot expect any honest discourse- you can disagree with them only at your own peril! Look at the islamic countries they are backward and stupid because of their religion, and they are ready to blame all their failures on the non-muslims , while the truth is they benefit from the endeavours of the non-muslims and show their jealousy and ingratitude in return - which is the hallmark of muslims and their rotten religion!

Name: Progress in Islam
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 02:35:24 -0700


Islam brought the quran! Then the arab people developed from a no-book society to a one-book society. What a progress! Did Allah/Mohammad know that there were already hundred of thousands books in the Great Library of Alexandria? And many more in India and China? Obviously not. Why else does the quran refer to jews and christians as the people of the book!? PEOPLE OF THE BOOK!?!?!? What about the chinese, the indians and all the other people? Didn´t Allah know that they all already posessed many, many books!?!?!? Oh you muslims! Please go to a bookstore (are there any in muslim countries?) and purchase a second book! Any book will do! Then you may understand how much better it is than the quran!

Name: Shafee al-Zindig
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 04:10:49 -0700


Hold it right there Ali Sina! Don’t be too hasty to condemn Witchdoctor Mansour Hassab-Elnaby and his voodoo science. I know why he got all his calculations so wrong:- 1. He forgot to take into account that when Archangel Gabriel is strenuously pushing the moon around the Earth, he gets very tired and his pace slows down. Then when he gets his breath back, his pace quickens. You should try pushing this heavy moon all by yourself before judging him too harshly. 2. He also forgot to take into account the miracle when Muhammad split the moon in two at Mecca. Allah then had to repair the moon after his act of sheer vandalism. All of this takes time as you should know. I am sure that when Witchdoctor Mansour takes these additional factors into account in his calculations, we will all be amazed at how accurate and miraculous the Quran really is. People will swoon in awe and ecstasy and will revert to Islam by the trillions. You will then see that the joke is on you and all you other infidels.

Name: Bobby
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 14:52:51 -0700


Ali Sina is the antidote to characters like Zakir Naik of peacetv.

Name: DAVE
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 15:27:50 -0700



Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 15:40:24 -0700



Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 15:49:57 -0700


Well,well the poor man started with a big bang,i am not a Muslim any more,and so he hoped and promised his poor rich backers to expose the Muslims and Islam, what has he achieved? we loose six and gain twelve , not bad thanks to the sites like Islam watch and ffi.

Name: TruthSeeker
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 16:08:33 -0700


Dear Ali Sina, Your articles are very good and thought provoking. These articles created doubts and questions in our mind about islam, and the root cause of various problems the society is facing today as well as the humankind. I recommended the websites ( and many people. You have given us detailed and indepth information about the dark side of islam, and religious fanaticism. You are doing a good job for humanity. Thank you. Kind regards, TruthSeeker

Name: To RanGeet Singh
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 16:15:01 -0700


Hi RanGeet Singh, You should put your views and arguments logically rather than abusing other people at personal level. That does not reflect a good mentality. Hope you will be decent in explaining your views and logics. Thanks, Truth Seeker

Name: Ibn Jeylan- Regarding Debates with Ali Sina
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 17:01:13 -0700


People Ali Sina is a decent man What is wrong with writing in debates. That is better anyway, because good debators should be thinkers not showmen. Oral debates are worthless anyway. One needs to put some thought into what is being said or written. In addition,safety first. Muslims are the worst criminals there are. They just want to kill anyone who says that their blessed prophet was a pedophile, assassin, thug, thief, murderer, war criminal, get the idea. So its best for Ali Sina's safety to work from in front of his computer, instead of exposing himself to beasty unethical murderer Muslims. Debates are welcome to Ali Sina. I know that for sure. But it has to be done in a way that is safe for this fine mind (and no I do not follow him, know him, or accept everything he says. I really don't. But he is an honest mind and that in itself says a lot about his character).

Name: DAVE
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 05:07:06 -0700



Name: Ibn Jeylan : To Dave
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 05:52:10 -0700


Hello Dave As a humanist, you should allow people to believe what they want (as long as their believes are not going to physically hurt others). Also, people should be allowed to visit other belief systems website. I visit a lot of those too. So, please have an open mind, and lets admit that anyone of us can be wrong in believing certain things. Thanks

Name: pmk
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 15:26:43 -0700


Godot - they may be "unbelievable" but I don't see too many Jews or Christians demanding that you accept their beliefs on pain of death. As for the age of the earth: of course it's billions of years old but there is a theory that human life has existed and been destroyed many times over. It's proffered as one explanation for the many findings of ancient cultures with tools unknown to us. Their knowledge was lost in death and each time man had to start over. Six thousand years could be the age of the latest human incarnation. As for the immaculate conception: it's an article of faith, not logic.

Name: Mohammad
Date: Thursday March 06, 2008
Time: 18:50:48 -0700


This was a good article. I am a Muslim but I don't believe that speed of light can be calculated from Quranic verses. It is also important that we avoid attacking all Muslims and know that there are many different kinds of Muslims. By attacking all Muslims, you won't achieve your main goal which is being though-provoking and instead you will be just provoking.

Name: Ibn Kammuna: To Muhammad
Date: Friday March 07, 2008
Time: 21:56:14 -0700


Hello. You say you are a Muslim. That is fine. Did you know that your Prophet was a pedophile. He married Aisha when she was 6 Yrs old. He slept with her when she was 9. Did you know that he beheaded in one day about 600 to 900 Jews. He participated in that with his "blessed hands" (I guess you could call that "Blessed beheading". If you don't believe me check out the authentic studies done on Bani Qurayza. By the way, his evil act was not justified. He just wanted their belongings and women and children. Did you know that your prophet attacked many tribes unprovoked. He was a "war criminal' as we know the term today. Did you know that "Satan" gave him some "Qur'anic verses"? There is much more stories, but for a start, you can check out what I told you. And honest to goodness, I did not make anything up. I researched all that from multiple sources, and God knows I told you the truth (something Muhammad did not tell).By the way, the prophet also sent many assassins to kill individuals who just "bad mouthed" him. To be honest with you, If muslims really know what Muhammad did, they'll feel ashamed to call themselves "Muslims". I kid you not my friend. Check out the facts.

Name: Quran's Miracle
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 13:13:55 -0700


Thanks for your wonderful article. Quarn states that the Sun sets in a swamp, or Muhammad travelled by some animal that looked part camel part horse. It is inconceivable to believe that God of Islam or its prohpet possessed any knowledge of the universe, sciences, physics, much less to calculate the speed of light.

Name: Rajendra
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 13:29:22 -0700


Muslims paste piles of crap here- Pile it high does not make the Quron God's book. If God really meant to dictate science truths to idiot like pedophile Mohammed, why not do it in English? Muslims always say English translation of God's Arabic dictation is ruins the meaning. God could have seen the future, i.e, English as a global language, and dictated the holy book in English.Then He/ She could have gone the whole 9 yards and told our fore-fathers exactly speed of light, the evolution of life on this planet, including dinosaurs, and the DNA code. Heck- why not? God is the almighty- that is the least I would expect in any holy book of any religion. Not finding this in any of the 'holy'books, I come to a conclusion all this BS is made up by men.

Name: Allat
Date: Monday March 10, 2008
Time: 17:46:39 -0700


"He now belives in life after death"...THERE IS LIFE AFTER DEATH, IT HAS BEEN WITNESSED__________"Is this not going against the core of the Humanists."..HUMANISM WAS IN VOGUE A COUPLE OF CENTURIES AGO, THIS IS NOW, AND THINKING HAS CHANGED AND EVOLVED________

Name: millions_sin
Date: Wednesday March 19, 2008
Time: 03:46:16 -0700


I saw the film in which Russel Crowe played a disturbed scientist/student with Jennifer Connelly as his wife, which won her the Best Supporting Actress Award. I forgot the title, but this film reminds me of Mo. He was hallucinating Jibreel as the scientist do in that film. Nobody ever saw this Jibreel. Being illiterate didn't mean Mo is not clever, he is very clever indeed. He can remember most of what he had heard from his brother in law (Khadijah's brother who was a Christian, reading the Bible) and stories he heard when he was in trade journey when he worked for Khadijah, and compile it into a book, the Quran. Maybe the Quran sounds right to some people, because it was compiled partly from the Bible. But Mo has error in reminding it. Also, he had forgotten many of the prophets from the Bible (or his brother in laws didn't read it for him, so he didn't have any knowledge about them??). For instance, Isaiah, who wrote many prophecies about Jesus Christ, etc. For me I remember one verse from the Gospel of Matthew: Matt. 24:11 And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. After Jesus Christ, there's only false prophets, and Mo is one of them, and he had deceive many people, the Moslem.

Name: Simbarajan
Date: Wednesday April 09, 2008
Time: 12:37:54 -0700


Right to disagree agreeably is what separates humans from lesser humans. Muslims everywhere must recognize this basic trait of civilized humans and actively promote its widespread adoption in their community. When this happens, even 1000 Ali Sinas will not be able to sway one soul away from mohammad’s writings. As long as disciples of mohammad continue to practice violence driven by insanity, just one Ali Sina will be more than enough to send the lesser humans back to their sand doons from whence they came.

Name: El-Yahud
Date: Saturday May 31, 2008
Time: 23:01:08 -0700


Great article Ali. I completely agree that Islam cannot be reformed as it contains the words and rules of Allah herself. The effort and thought you give to your articles are inspiring and entertaining; I hope that when Muslims rid themselves from this self inflicted stupidity you don't stop writing.

Name: fatin 97
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 22:12:09 -0700


wahllah you are a word of light written on a page of light MR, ALI SINA....we all love you ,your words are an eternal hope for humanity. we love you, why havnt you showed up long time AGO.i cant believe people who lestin to you cant reason your thoughts and logic..

Name: soso
Date: Tuesday June 03, 2008
Time: 22:16:55 -0700


beautiful work,,,,,,love it

Name: ali mahmoudi
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 11:36:39 -0700


peace upon you i agree with your essay it doesnt apply to speed of light but who said that quran is muhammads idea who said that quran is not the continuation of bible and has no contradiction to it please read quran to understand the opinion of quran regarding moses jesus and maryam thank you

Name: ali mahmoudi
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 11:46:12 -0700


peace upon you quran is the completion of the mission . it invites all relgion to gather under one common law . no one answer this question if islam is the result of demented mind , why it is the number one religion that people are converting to ? are people getting smarter or more stupid ? with access to technology and science , i beleive that people should be getting smarter . i want you to think about this question and answer it with unbiased mind if people are getting smarter and if the converstion to islam is getting faster and faster rate the healthy mind will deduce that this religion is beautiful and collectiv intelligence prefers it to the others think about it peace upon you brothers and sisters

Name: Jeremy
Date: Tuesday July 15, 2008
Time: 23:24:07 -0700


haha look at this SCIENTIFIC MIRACLE of the quran>> Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it set in a spring of murky water: Near it he found a People: We said: "O Zul-qarnain! (thou hast authority,) either to punish them, or to treat them with kindness." _Surah 18:86

Name: Sayyid Abul Qasim
Date: Thursday July 24, 2008
Time: 07:15:53 -0700


Well I came across you site by accident and it does have some interesting analysis and criticism of this guy who talk about the speed of light. I think its good to do stuff like this. However, with the multitude of views and religions in the world; don't you think getting a job would be a more productive past time? regards

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