Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Taqiyah or Holy Deception by Bollywood Superstar Shah Rukh Khan

In a press interview on 6th December, Shah Rukh Khan, the renowned Bollywood film star, told dark lies that the Koran does not inspire terrorism. He told the press that he has read the Koran and it does not contain any verse that instructs to kill innocent people. "Nowhere in the Quran does it says that 'jihad' will lead you to 'jannat' (heaven)... Unfortunately, now two versions of Islam exist. There is an Islam from Allah and unfortunately, there is an Islam from the Mullahs," said the superstar. On the contrary, he said, the Koran says that if anyone hurts another man, he hearts the entire humanity and if one heels another man, he heels the entire humanity. In fact, Khan has quoted the verse (5.32) of the Koran that reads “…whoever killed a human being, except as punishment for murder or other villainy in the land, shall be regarded as having killed all mankind; and that whoever saved a human life shall be regarded as saving all mankind.” It should be pointed out here that whenever Koran uses such lofty humane words, it should be understood that this humanity is confined within the Muslims alone. Koran has no headache to save the lives of the kafirs (non-Muslims) or doing any good to the kafirs. According to the Koran, kafirs are to be slain wherever they could be found.
So the verse (9.5) of the Koran says, “Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters (i.e. kafirs) wherever ye find them, and take them (captive) and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is forgiving, Merciful.” Furthermore, through this verse, Koran declares that for the kafirs in a dar-ul-Islam (or a Muslim country), there are two alternatives, either Islam or death.

Today, only an ignorant person, unaware of the contents of the Koran, can say that Islam never preaches terrorism. But if Shah Rukh Khan has said all those utter lies, knowing fully well the contents of the Koran, his intention was simply to misguide and deceive the kafirs. But Khan should know that kafirs today are not so ignorant about Islam as they had been 10 or 20 years ago and it is not so easy to fool them now.

As a matter of fact, translations of Koran in English or in any other major Indian language are now easily available and hence it is not difficult for a kafir to procure one and go through the same. Particularly after 9/11, sale of Koran has gone up by many times throughout the world. Had Khan been aware of these developments, he would have thought twice before telling those blatant lies. In fact, by telling such lies, Khan has exposed himself as a laughable liar. He should also know that Internet is now doing an excellent job by exposing Islam to the world of kafirs and recently the film FITNA by Geert Wilders has vividly exposed that Koran and its violent verses of jihad are the fountainhead of Islamic terrorism. We hope that he will restrain himself from making similar deceptive statements in future to hold his esteem amongst his fans.

However, the question remains, why this fellow, being fully aware of the contents of the Koran, talked like such a half-educated idiot, before the press? There is an Arabic word “Taqiyah” that stands for “holy deception”. If a Muslim can deceive the kafirs by telling lies, or by giving false testimony in the court of law or by any other means, for the benefit of the Muslims, or for the benefit of Islam, the mischief is called taqiyah and Allah has assigned considerable merit on such an act. He will reward such a deceiver profusely on the Day of Last Judgment or Qiyamah.

Any kafir who knows the a, b, c of Islam is aware of the fact that the ultimate aim of Islam is to bring the entire world under its banner, i.e., to turn the entire world into a dar-ul-Islam (or land under the rule of Islam). And as part of that goal, India is to be conquered for Islam as soon as possible. So they are going on intensifying terror attacks on the Indian soil. A section of the Muslims are engaged in organizing attacks and procuring Arms and Explosives for the purpose while another section of Muslims are trying to deceive or hoodwink the Kafirs by playing Taqiyah. The reader may recall that a few months ago the clerics of Dar-ul-ulum Deoband, in a press statement, declared that Islam does not profess or support terrorism and a few months later they took out a procession decrying terrorism. But the madrassas that are being run by them are, in reality, are factories for producing terrorists and procuring and storing sophisticated weapons of jihad like AK-47 rifles and high explosives such as RDX and so on. So even a Billy-goat will refuse to believe that they are against terrorism and hence, their above mentioned declaration and propaganda were nothing but Taqiyah. On 7th December, a group of Muslim women took out a procession in Mumbai to condemn terrorism. But even a preliminary investigation might reveal that the women who took part in the said demonstration have taken part in the recent attack in Mumbai by contributing funds and providing safe haven for the terrorists. Hence, their above mentioned demonstration was also a taqiyah.

But the Muslims of these country, including Shah Rukh Khan, should know that situation has changed greatly for past a few years. Millions and millions of Kafirs are now studying Koran to know the blood-thirsty creed called Islam and to defend any future onslaught of Islam in this country. So, we like to advise the Muslims, including Shah Rukh Khan not to play taqiyah any more because all their efforts will be futile.

As a matter of fact, the Muslims of this divided India have no moral and ethical right to stay in this country. In 1940, these people said that they were a different nation and it was not possible for them to live peacefully with the hateful Hindu Kafirs. In 1947 they got their homeland Pakistan but these treacherous and mischievous people did not go to their cherished land but continued to stay in this country as resident non-Indians with their hidden agenda to make entire India into a dar-ul-Islam. Hindus of this country should have kicked them out as soon as Pakistan had been created. But they have been kind enough to allow them to stay in this country. But there is also a limit of their tolerance and a further irritation might compel them to drive them out of this country.

The author takes the liberty of quoting a few more verses of Koran below so that the reader may judge for himself whether Koran is a book of love and compassion or it is a book of hatred, terror and bloodshed.

  • Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. [Quran 9:111]

  • Who is an enemy to Allah, and His angels and His messengers and Gabriel and Michael! Then lo! Allah (Himself) is an enemy to the disbelievers. [Quran 2:98]

  • Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your command, so that you may strike terror into the enemy of Allah and your enemy, and others beside them who are unknown to you but known to Allah [Quran 8:60]

  • Did you suppose that you would enter Paradise before Allah has proved the men who fought for Him and endured with fortitude? [Quran 3:142]


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Name: r1
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 20:50:44 -0500


What is the purpose of inviting all the Muslim Pakistani ACTORS, CRICKETERS, BUSES, TRAINS, AIR ROUTE, and Pakistani POLITICIANS TO INDIA? FIRST THEY SHOULD STOP KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE only then we should talk. Even the talks should be held in some third country so that no Muslim Pakistani can enter in India. Until they stop killing like in Israel.Does India need any bus, train, air, services to Pakistan? Who is getting benefits from this ‘forced benefits’? These Muslim Pakistanis have killed lakhs of our brother’s .widows thousands of our sisters. Orphaned lakhs of babies without any reason. Way these forced confidence building measures?All the information of targets are provided by the terrorists coming to India in these buses, trains, exchange programmes , with these Muslim actors, cricketers and political conferences.Now see Pakistanis on our TV channels. These all provide information to the terrorists or terror supporters. There is no logic of any contact with Pakistan unless they stop killing our brothers. Kick these Muslim cricketers/actors/general people out of India.

Name: No point
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 23:10:39 -0500


Muslims are trained to lie about their deen from their very chilhood. This fellow is no exception. Everytime Muslims are in a crisis their insticts take over and they begin to lie right and left. But thankfully we have websites like FFI and ISlam so whoever is not guillable enough to buy their trash at face value and is really interested in the facts will come out and find it eventually. I rember when the hindu saint was caught in connection with the bomb blasts case, no Hindu actors or actress came out in her support. Even though the ATS has yet to come to with any kind of evidence against her and or the other detainees. Recently the investigating agency was reprimanded by the High Court in Mumbai for not being able to present any sort of credible evidence. But wherever Muslims launch an attack on India, lo and behond we have an entire army of Muslims including actors and well know personalties coming out in the defence of Islam.Does any body wonder why only Muslims do so? Why dont people of other religions indulge in this nonsense. If Islam does not teach this stuff why do the Muslims find the urgency to come out speak so loudly for Islam. Perhaps these Muslims dont know the basics of their faith or maybe they are just lying. Either ways intelligent people dont go by what others say, they try to find the truth for themselves. This list includes educated ignorants as well!!!

Name: Ilham Abdullah
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 23:32:20 -0500


Good article - Well written and accurate. I am an ex-muslim opposed to the spred of islam. The following is also true: Mohammed was either a wicked man inside his heart and mind, or a very foolish well-meaning man who did much harm. Mohammed was a liar. He made the koran up as he went along achieveing his goal of attaining control of the land in which he lived, then later, the surrounding lands, often through violence. He and his group of followers went on and on killing or subdueing people who would not agree with him and join his group. The few good things he did were merely tools to help acheive what he wanted to do. He was a very blind man indeed. The whole religion is grounded in fear, this is how it has become so large over time. Islam leads people away from themselves and into a state of ignorance.

Name: vbv
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 23:42:32 -0500


Shah Rukh Khan (SRK) is no different from any muslim to speak the TRUTH about his cult. He has to play up to world audience ,mostly muslims and at the same time be apologetic to Indians to keep his popularity and bank account running. So it is a folly to give too much credence to a man who believes in a rotten cult that is known to bite the hand that feeds it!

Name: Spiritualism
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 23:43:22 -0500


Dear Brothers and sisters, Spiritualsim through meditation of light in the heart enlightens us and leads to ultimate truth which is beyond religious rituals.

Name: ShahRukh Khan is an ignorant fool
Date: Tuesday December 09, 2008
Time: 23:59:19 -0500


I dont think SRK is using Taqiyyah. He simply is repeating what he heard somewhere. Actally majority of muslims are like him,totally unaware that quran is a manual of vilence hatred and killing and Mohammed was a mass murderer, serial killer, rapist and a robber.

Name: SRK is either lieing or unable to think logically
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 01:23:04 -0500


SRK is either lieing or unable to think logically. Quron is full of contradictions and grammaitacl ang logical errors.Once it refers to allah saying and some times to angels saying.It says women are property of men (like animals) and they ahve to decide or allow them in evry aspect.orders to marry wife of adopted son(incest) which is animalistc.orders to kill and loot armless kaffirs which is thief mindset.It says looting should not be done in day time which means looting is allowed in night time???All these appear clearly to nay human are mind works and twists of Maniac Schizo mo.But fanatic muslims believe that he was prophet and fear of hell.Ask muslims to define god and prophet .Both allah described in Quron does not fit for the defination of god who should be entire love and compasssion for his creation.even humans though they were criminals are loved by the parents.In this entire world mother love is the highest and pure.Gods love must be even more higher than that.but allah character hates his own creation,creates sitan to harass people,speaks only to illiterate that to for 20 years for small book words,repeats and praises himself in every chapter (perhaps he might be a narcisst),orders to kill,very much intersted in spending time in buring kaffirs in hell fire etc....All these Quron are just hallucinaions of Schizo Mohammad.He ws no prophet at all.He nthr lead a pure life with wisdom and morality nor done miracles.He just heard about god and prohet hood and several theroies of god and just mixed them up and created an hybrid hate religion islam.It was Khadija who called him prohet after he declared he was hearing some sonds and voices(which hapens due to schiazophrenia)After that he started lieing and twsiting morals for his own convenience.Then arabs being illiterate and irrational has not doubted him and blindly followed just for want paradise and fear of hell.

Name: my doubt
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 01:54:31 -0500


I watched that interview. My thoughts were the same when SRK said Islam does not allow killing innocents. This is probably innocents within Islam and does not apply to Kafirs. But I don't think SRK understands the full import of what he said. What these moderate Muslims should understand is if at all the radical Islam takes over the world they will ban all kinds of entertainment including movies, music and sports as they are unIslamic. So SRK may find himself without a job or worse be killed by these elements. I think it is wishful thinking that Islam will just go away from the face of earth. It is not easy to convert 1.5 billion muslims to another religion. What needs to go away is the radical element of Islam and that is possible only by the moderate Muslims to shun the radical passages of Quran as well as the people who follow it.

Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 02:03:33 -0500



Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 02:09:10 -0500



Name: seeker
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 03:43:04 -0500


Shah Rukh has a huge fan following in the Indian subcontinent,SE Asia and the UAE.He will not say anything againts Islam which will hurt his image.The world is sick and tired hearing the religion of peace line he is advocating.He probably knows too well what his religion stands for but is in a state of denial or he is using Taqiyah.It will be better if he keeps away from making such lofty statements.He will start looking like a clown in the end.I give him the benefit of doubt.

Name: balam
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 05:14:47 -0500


I have got the copy of Quran in English by Pickthall,Sura 5 and verse 32 on page 99 which starts as this:FOR THAT CAUSE WE DECREED FOR THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL THAT WHOSOEVER KILLETH A HUMAN BEING FOR OTHER THAN MANSLAUGHTER OR CORRUPTION IN THE EARTH,AS IF HE HAD KILLED ALL MANKIND................This was decreed for the Children of Israel.The muslims always ommit the beginning part of the verse ,because that reveals that it was for the Jewish people and the Chosen people of God and not for the Mohamadans-the followers of a pervert self proclaimed false prophet,who had no credentials to be even a moral human being.Mohammad was the perfect example for his Muslim followers.He was a terrorist,a murderer,a looter,a child mollester,a rapist, an adulterer-the list can go on on and on and the evidence can be produced from the Muslin sources.Please enlighten me with one good thing about Mohammad and Islam and I would be delighted to hear.

Name: jews r not chosen of any god,infact no one is chosen of any god,god/allah is a myth and the faster its busted,the better chances humanity has of surviving and not going to world war 3 nuke war !
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 06:18:27 -0500


jews r not chosen of any god,infact no one is chosen of any god,god/allah is a myth and the faster its busted,the better chances humanity has of surviving and not going to world war 3 nuke war !

Name: Re: jews are not chosen by god
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 07:38:03 -0500


they just mean they were chosen to receive their torah. if you're not a jew and don't believe in their god, why would you care what they believe?

Name: more bollywood taqiyya........
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 07:40:35 -0500


well you can count all khans in that... here salman slams 'terrorism', says follow 'satanic scriptures'.. ....and ....... and 'Humanist' Amir khan still has to speak against kashmiri genocide....

Name: amar khan
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 08:06:11 -0500


i am now watching shahrukh's movie "Om shanti Om" . i am his fan. but unfortunately , he never bother to read koran like other muslims. i heard he is having a hindu wife. is it right?????

Name: RE:amar khan
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 09:19:40 -0500


Correction his wife was a Hindu. She is a Mohammedan now. Just like her husband she thinks that she will get 72 guys to bang her

Name: Re: No point
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 12:10:01 -0500


"I rember when the hindu saint was caught in connection with the bomb blasts case, no Hindu actors or actress came out in her support....But wherever Muslims launch an attack on India, lo and behond we have an entire army of Muslims including actors and well know personalties coming out in the defence of Islam." My thoughts exactly. Whenever a member of another faith does wrong, their followers have the gumption not to defend that person or claim their faith is misunderstood. They know outsiders are not obliged to know about their religion and will judge it according to the actions of its adherents. With Islam, it's as if whenever they do something wrong, we (the kuffar) are immediately put on the defensive. If we attribute the action to Islam, we are the aggressors trying to give Islam a bad name. We are told to understand Islam, failure to do so will brand us as ignorant, racists etc. It's reprehensible how Muslims flip the roles of victim to aggressor and saddening that some people are falling for it.

Name: pkd
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 16:42:48 -0500


Guys read this From 1% to 100% and also this

Name: To Amar Khan from Jay
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 17:44:17 -0500


Shah Rukh Khan's wife is a Hindu. However, Shah Rukh has all Hindu deities at home and even named his son "Aryan", which is a Hindu name. In reality, he becomes a kuffr because he is continuing to follow Hindu tradition (keeping Hindu deities at home, naming his son after a Hindu name etc). Further, he is not supposed to dance, sing, and act as per Islam. For since he is a kuffr, he is doing it. I am sure, from within he knows how evil Quran is. But, he is unable to do so in public because of the Mullah-factor. I believe, there are innumerable Muslims who want to give up Islam.

Name: to Amar Khan
Date: Wednesday December 10, 2008
Time: 21:24:19 -0500


Salman Khan, another popular Bollywood star whose mother is a Hindu is a great one for celebrating Hindu festivals.This year a fatwa was issued againts his family for partaking in these festivals by the clerics.It was slammed by his father.Shah Rukh has not converted his wife Gauri to Islam.Both of them smoke and drink.Salmans scandals are famous .I dont think they can take out any time for their namaaz due to their busy lifestyle.Both of these stars know deep down that the Taliban would love to lay their hands on their necks.

Name: To the fellow who made this comment
Date: Thursday December 11, 2008
Time: 00:55:06 -0500


"jews r not chosen of any god,infact no one is chosen of any god,god/allah is a myth and the faster its busted,the better chances humanity has of surviving and not going to world war 3 nuke war !" What had the Jews had done to you to condemn their beliefs? Are the Jews a menace to mankind? Are you personally threatened by this people? Why are you so full of hatred to this tiny group of people trying to survive in the midst of hostile Islamic neighbors? Do you have a hidden agenda against the Jews?

Name: jess
Date: Thursday December 11, 2008
Time: 15:30:01 -0500


Namaste, I just found this website and there are some interesting articles. My question is, is SRK doing taqiyah or is he just a really bad muslim? I saw a video of him the other day doing a puja at work for Deepavali and reciting Gayatri with his son. The man has already had a fatwahs declared against him and the muslims seem pretty mad that he denied jannah for jihad. So maybe he's just really bad at his religion.

Name: Agents of Satan
Date: Friday December 12, 2008
Time: 03:59:08 -0500


Are Jew-hater agents of Satan? Satan desired to eliminate this tiny group of people but did not succeed. The Assyrian Empire did not succeed to eliminate them, neither the Babylonian Empire nor the Roman Empire even Hitler's Third Reich with his Final Solution to the Jewish Question, the elimination of all Jews in Europe and now the Present Islamic menace with its avowed aim to destroy Israel. The painful truth for those who wished to destroy Israel you will never succeed.

Name: Slavetottruth
Date: Friday December 12, 2008
Time: 04:57:06 -0500


I'm afraid Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari,when he quoted Sura Al-Maidah,committed the same mistake Muslim apologetics do - that of quoting out of context. He quoted Verse 5:32 On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. Then although there came to them Our messengers with clear signs, yet, even after that, many of them continued to commit excesses in the land. But missed out Verse 5:33 The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter. So we see that Verse 5:32, far from being tolerant, really calls for the most inhuman punishment of non-believers. As for Shahrukh Khan, I think he is only a culltural Muslim and does not have any knowledge of the tenets of Islam. He is parroting what the Taqiyya Twisters keep writing in newspapers - read Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's article in the Times of India dated 12.12.08 for some real whoppers.

Name: Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari
Date: Friday December 12, 2008
Time: 06:16:58 -0500


Marrying the Hindu girl, Gouri, does not reflect that Shahrukh khan is a lofty and generous guy. On the contrary, it shows that he is a jihadi Muslim, as seducing a kafir woman and marrying her is also a part of jihad. Infact, causing harm to the kafirs by any means is jihad. And marrying a kafir woman is an important element jihad because it enables the Muslims to win very important booty, the womb of that woman - the womb that was destined to produce decent children, is made to yield Muslim children so to swell the population of jihadi criminals.

Name: "But Khan should know that kafirs today are not so ignorant about Islam as they had been 10 or 20 years ago and it is not so easy to fool them now. "
Date: Friday December 12, 2008
Time: 13:10:21 -0500


When I first started visiting anti-Islam sites there were numerous posts by irate Muslims telling us to READ THE QURAAAN YOU BASTARDS!!!! They don't do that anymore. Wonder why.

Name: YR
Date: Saturday December 13, 2008
Time: 03:13:20 -0500


Dear Dr Radhasyam Brahmachari you are doing a great job of spreading poison on the internet. To have a website and spread crap is very easy. I am an Indian and also a Muslim. I was born on this land and shall die die here too. Yes there are muslim terrorists but not all muslims are terrorists. Terrorists are made through circumstances. India has more muslims then Pakistan but it does not mean that Indian muslims go on planning terrorist strikes. The islamic world has some real problems which result in such atrocities. Almost all these problems stem from the fact that the Quran is open to misintrepretation and some muslim idiots are ready to sacrifice their life in order to reach heaven. They will rot in hell. As for SRK I will bet you even money that he does not know what Taqiyah is. He was quoting a famous verse from Quran. I have read the Quran but did not understand a single word because I dont know arabic. The captured terrorist ran to terrorism because of poverty and unemployment. As for your comment against Indian Muslims smells of the same rot which propels Islamic terrorism in this world. Why should we leave India when we have been living here peacefully for thousands of years? Well until 1947 when India, unfortunately, was partitoned. The problem is not with Pakistani muslims or popualtion. Its with that country's military and ISI which is not in control of the civilians and ISI is hell bent on creating problems for India through Kashmir and terrorism because that is one of the ways by which the Pakistani economy and Army survives and makes India weak because of the lack of unity amongst people and an ineffective political and administrative control. Please do not harm the stretched secular fabric of India.

Name: re YR
Date: Saturday December 13, 2008
Time: 05:22:56 -0500


Committing petty crimes or becoming a gangster due to poverty is one thing, but becoming a holy warrior and committing the most heinous of crimes in the name of God is a different thing.You say you have read the Quran in arabic but could not understand a word. That is the problem.If you understand what is written, you will be shocked by its contents.It preaches nothing but hate and violence towards the kafirs.The mujahideen takes every word of it as Gods command with the hope of going to an imaginary jannat.SRK may have said what he believes to be true, just as you are saying.This is far from the bitter truth which lies in the pages of the Quran.You are an Indian muslim and I dont wish to offend you.But please study the Quran in a language you can understand.

Name: Akhter
Date: Saturday December 13, 2008
Time: 11:35:16 -0500

Comment Who is misquoting what?

Name: dd
Date: Saturday December 13, 2008
Time: 19:22:29 -0500


"Yes there are muslim terrorists but not all muslims are terrorists." But most terrorists are muslims, have you thought about that? "The captured terrorist ran to terrorism because of poverty and unemployment." Were mohammad atta and friends poor and unemployed? Were the london bombers poor and unemployed. Infact poor muslims and uneducated are peaceful muslims whereas the more education and more money a muslim gets turns him into the hardcore fanatic. "we have been living here peacefully for thousands of years" You have not been living peacefully for thousands of years. You must read up on India's history of blood shed under islamic rulers. "The problem is not with Pakistani muslims or popualtion." Have you wondered why just about every muslim majority country in the world is in the gutter with respect to just about every development index? You must be thankful that india's majority is not muslim if it were India will be in the gutter too. Muslims prosper under non-muslim rule (but they continue to bitch against everthing). Muslims stagnate under muslim rule but continue to lavish praise for muslim rule.

Name: re Akhter
Date: Saturday December 13, 2008
Time: 21:20:27 -0500


A religion whose so called misquoted verses cause so much bloodshed , misery and suffering to mankind is not worth it.Its never easy to be in the line of fire. Ask the relatives of the people killed in the Mumbai carnage.Ask those who have been incapacitated for life.If humanity has to enter the next century,I am sorry this evil ideology has to go.There is no other way around.The people who run these sites are not fools.They have been devout practicing Muslims before they found out the truth.A billion lives in the Indian subcontinent are at stake.The rest of the world fares no better.

Name: Akhter
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 16:40:29 -0500


On second thoughts that website I recommended is just a lot of nonsense, an example of what we jihadi intellectuals call "setting up a straw man so you can knock him down".

Name: re akhter from seeker
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 19:49:02 -0500


Which website Akhter? It does not matter.I repeat.This cult has to go if the human race has to enter the next century.You say you are a Jihadi intellectual.It is the biggest piece of crap I have heard in my life.

Name: Ramesh
Date: Sunday December 14, 2008
Time: 21:17:08 -0500


Even if Islam is a violent religion, I don't agree with Dr. Brahmachari's views. Being born into a religion is not one's fault. People should be judged by their words and actions. Indian Muslims can't go anywhere and don't have to go anywhere. As everybody else they should be good folks and good citizens. Muslims should work to remove the faults and violence in Islam and modernize it. One of the things that irritates non-muslims is the lack of sympathy from the muslims in times like the Mumbai attacks. I think that's changing now with Indian Muslims showing solidarity with India. I agree with the principals of this web site. If you try to be a true muslim then it's a big trouble. One needs to modernize it or leave it.

Name: lw1
Date: Monday December 15, 2008
Time: 17:00:45 -0500


The reason Muslims don't want to challenge you to read the Quran is that most of them haven't read it in their mother-tongue and only memorised it from young age in Arabic.Now they would have to understand it enough to be able to argue about it.They want to avoid having to argue logically point by point.

Name: iii
Date: Saturday December 20, 2008
Time: 03:56:52 -0500


Dear Mr Brahmachari Very well written I fully agree. I have been very disturbed since the attacks in Mumbai. I am a third generation Mumbaite my children will grow up in this city; we have no other place on planet earth to call home. My home was attacked and my brothers killed and all I could do was watch. I suggest that the terrorists killed and lying in some morgue should be cremated as Hindus since Pakistan disowns them and the Muslim community in Mumbai refuses their cremation in their cemeteries. This must become part of govt efforts on counter terrorism across the world this will dissuade the jihadi’s from coming here because if they are cremated they will not go to heaven and hence no paradise. Also a warning to moderate Muslims if you cannot speak out against the terrorists convert to any other religion or you and your families will be the victims of the inevitable anti Islam slaughter that we are heading towards just as the fight of Nazism and Communism.

Name: To Akhter from Promachos
Date: Monday December 22, 2008
Time: 10:40:12 -0500


Something Akhter said made me split my sides with laughter..."jihadi intellectuals"!!! Hows that for an oxymoron uttered BY a moron! If anything you have a sense of humour.

Name: Amjad Baig
Date: Saturday December 27, 2008
Time: 23:49:37 -0500



Name: Ameera ismail.
Date: Sunday March 01, 2009
Time: 10:23:56 -0500


I would just like to say. You people have no idea about what islam is all about. It is the most respectable religion if you are true to yourself and your creator you wont be degrading a religion. People like you may not be born muslims therefore you do not know what our religion consists of. But let me tell you something we do not discriminate or disgrace another religion so what gives you the right to point out our beliefs as false. We are not the ones prayin to idols neither are we the ones who eat pork.

Name: Ameera ismail.
Date: Sunday March 01, 2009
Time: 11:00:16 -0500


Let me tell you something ilham abdullah you are am ex muslim you wan2 know why because you couldn follow the decent path an dressing of how a woman should be why do you even hav an islamic name if you hate the religion so much? People chose to follow the religion because they want to. Further more why dont you guys speak about all the hindus who left their religion to follow islam an christianity? It is because you people have nothing beta to do but discuss things that yourl know jax about.

Name: Ameera ismail
Date: Sunday March 01, 2009
Time: 11:19:42 -0500


SRK is a kafir .most muslims do not regard him as one of us. If he lied why should it affect other muslims? We know about our quraan unlike him. Most of you have problems with how a man orders a woman in islam he does it because she is respected. Your appearance should display your character n respect. You guys talk much about islam do you even understand your own religion? Why do you pray to colourful idols? Let me tell you why you guys need somethin to look at, it does not reside in ur heart which is sad.

Name: Terminat0r
Date: Monday March 16, 2009
Time: 07:57:34 -0500


U mother fucker dont give wrong examples of verses of koran. . . What u have written is false. . .C0z u just wana make islam look like terror

Name: humaira ali
Date: Thursday March 19, 2009
Time: 12:20:40 -0500


i hav read comments of all u people very patiently ,although it was mostly unbearbale for me to read such comments about ISLAM and our beloved PROPHET(P.B.U.H).You all hav such misconceptions abt our religion,i advice u people just one thing that u nt only read quran bt also try to go in depth meanungs of it by reading its TAFSEER,then only u shd b able to know wht the QURAN really says,and plz try to be sophisticated and not crossing your limits by minding your language when speaking abt PROPHET MUHAMMAD.One more thing that whatever verses which r quoted above r nt complete and the writer has moulded it according to his or her own wish.We muslims never use any of such words abt any of your so called religious idols,so plz be nice to others and respect humanity ,which is the real principle of ISLAM and thats what our PROPHET has preached to the whole world.thankx

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