Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

Islam will lose, so will the West

Islam is currently passing through one of its most dynamic times since its rise fourteen hundreds years ago. This dynamic period started long before 9/11 as a fierce struggle, mainly against the west, but also against any nation or group that dares to stand in its way. Most Muslims take this resurgence phase very seriously and consider it as a decisive battle between Islam and the non-Islam, or the kufr, which Mohammed told them they would win. Even though the west, currently, is largely in denial about this makes no difference to the significance of this conflict to the whole world.

Islam will lose

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Virtually unchallenged, Islam has survived and expanded during the last fourteen centuries. The only time Islam had ever faced any challenges was in the first few years, when Mohammed’s claims of being a prophet, were questioned by the Meccan Arabs and then by the Jews of Yathrib. During that period, which spanned over thirteen years, Mohammed failed to win any intellectual debate to prove his claims. That reflected on Mohammed’s failure to attract genuine followers. The few dozens who joined him were mainly friends and beneficiaries. Once Mohammed established his stronghold in Yathrib, which he renamed as Medina, intellectual debates, which had flourished until few years before his arrival, became meaningless and virtually non-existent. Since then, the only challenges Islam ever had were military ones; the opposing forces were more interested in military conquests than in exposing Islam’s ideology.

Knowing the Muslims’ mindset, we can safely say that Muslims may not even bother to consider any critical analysis of Islam that comes from non-Muslims, no matter how genuine and legitimate it may be. If Muslims ever mention such painstaking and authentic works, it is only to dismiss them as the works of the enemy of Islam. On the other hand, the critical analysis of Islam that comes from Muslims is often taken more seriously, although those Muslim critics of Islam will be branded as infidels.

Islam has guarded its ideology by employing a thorough indoctrination program and systematic and extensive brainwashing process of its adherents. The process is so incapacitating that it is incomprehensible to Muslims to contemplate their existence outside their religion.

Over the past fourteen centuries, Islam was never openly challenged or critiqued, because those who knew about its myths, also knew what it meant to disclose them. Those Muslims who did their own critical appraisal of their religion kept their results to themselves since they knew if they didn’t they risk loosing their heads by the authorities, or even by family members or friends who would be happy to do it for the sake of Allah.

Even during the last few centuries, when the whole world started to open up to a new age of enlightenment, Islamic authorities managed to seal the minds of Muslims towards any outside views bout Islam. The tight seal on the Muslims’ minds continues even during our time. Unwanted materials, whether printed or televised, is simply filtered out. For fourteen centuries, Muslims never had a chance to see their religion from any perspective other than their own. Islam survived because it always had a suitable environment of darkness and one-way coaching with no tolerance to different views.

Since the introduction of the Internet all that has changed. Thanks to the power of the Internet, the world is now open to almost everyone, and Muslims can have access to the alternative views about Islam, something considered impossible in the past. The Internet is the first true challenge to Islam because it breaks through all the Islamic security systems. The Internet doesn’t recognize Islam’s demands of submission and total surrender of the mind. Everything about Islam is now subjected to critical scrutiny, people now ask logical questions and demand logical answers. Everyday, the Internet sheds more light on the cult of darkness to expose its myths. This shakes the very foundation of the Islamic ideology. Muslims are slow to come out from the darkness, which is understandable, considering their programmed state of mind. They behave like the battery chickens that are so conditioned to the darkness that when they see the light they feel scared to come out. We are only in the beginning of the Internet age, the process may appear to be slow, but the ball started rolling and more Muslims will wake up to the light of truth and come out to the world of enlightenment and join the other ex Muslims in exposing the myths of Islam.

The West will lose, too

I sincerely hope that time will prove me wrong on this gloomy prediction, but the signs are that the west is already loosing. It did not take more than one generation for the western nations, which emerged victorious after WWII, to lose their momentum and give up any hope of staying in the lead. I write this part of the article with Britain in mind because it seems to be leading the way, but other countries are not far behind.

The decline of the west is mainly an endogenous problem that neither Islam nor any other external factors can be blamed for. But it is a disturbing observation that the west appears to be doomed with or without Islam, although Islam is taking advantage of the process and is working hard to speed it up. The Islamic predators look at the west as a helpless prey and are closing in waiting for the right moment to make a kill. They are hopeful to inherit the west without even having to fight for it, and they do not make a secret of it. A few years ago, colonel Ghaddafi said that Muslims couldn’t take Europe by force in the past, but now they will take it without force. If you don’t believe the Libyan leader’s remarks, you only need to visit a classroom in a British primary school to see how Britain will look like in the future.

Nations behave like individuals because they are made of individuals. An individual’s performance is at its best in times of stress like preparing for exams or entering competitions. Nations too perform best in times of stress like wars or other national struggles. During the last war, the western nations performance was at its peak. People took no chances; they went through some rough time, suffered of hardship, fought wars and lost lives to secure a good future for their children and grand children. Those children and grand children are today’s westerners who have reaped the fruits of their grandfathers’ hard work. Today’s westerners enjoy a freedom and democracy that they never earned and seem to be reluctant to defend.

The west had some very painful experiences because of Islam, like the attacks of 9/11 and the bombings in Madrid and London to mention only few. We all hate painful experiences, but it seems that pain is essential to the survival of individuals as well as nations. It is the uncomfortable sensation of pain that makes a man move away when he sits on a sharp object, otherwise he would bleed to death. It is the uncomfortable sensation of pain that alarms the sufferer to go and seek treatment for its cause. Pain is a warning system that alarms people about the more serious underlying problems that need attention. However, there are people who are careless enough, or stupid enough, not to take action other than swallowing painkillers until they succumb to their ailment.

The bombing of western targets all over the world during the last few decades should have been enough to motivate the west to take action about the roots of the problem, which we all know to be Islam. Instead, the west has opted to taking painkillers in the form of politically correct justifications prescribed to them by the politically correct groups. I am afraid that is a recipe for disaster.

The western societies seem to have an inherent serious problem that makes the westerners turn against their own history, heritage, culture and all their past achievements. They happily declare their cultural surrender as they see everything coming from the outside as genuine and honest, and look down at their own as false and corrupt. They are so consumed with post imperial guilt that they are blinded to their countries’ virtues.

The weakness in the west plays well in the hands of the Islamists and hinders our campaign to enlighten Muslims and defeat their cult. Western converts to Islam are used by the Islamists’ propaganda machine to boost the Muslims’ confidence in their religion. It is a common observation that when Muslims run out of answers to defend the Islamic myths, they produce the most bizarre reason for staying with Islam, they say: “but all those westerners wouldn’t convert unless Islam is right”.

The west has been a safe haven to the radical Islamic organizations that are banned in their own Islamic countries. The western social and political system facilitated some of the most notorious Islamic organizations, to survive, thrive and terrorize the innocents around the world. The remarks made by the head of the Anglican Church about introducing sharia law to Britain are just another reminder that the British problem is largely a self-inflicted one. The response of the British people to their problems is disappointing to say the least. Those who recognize the problem leave everything and emigrate, while the rest turn a blind eye and live in denial. I am afraid that when the nation’s feelings are so numbed, it is unlikely that it will sense any threat or react decisively to any danger.

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Mumin Salih is an Arabic-speaking Middle Eastern ex-Muslim. He can be contacted at


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Name: al ham dull ill aaahhh very good article
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 22:36:41 -0700


very good article, very honest and transparent. but 1 thing, anything that does not change is bound to loose and even if islam wins the west it will be still a losers religion, bcoz it believes in myths like judaism/christianity.

Name: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 22:56:58 -0700


If the West is set to win - and the war on islam can be easily won - the PC politicians, leftie/ commie/ greenie/ socialist and other "islam-loving and multiculturalism-promoting scum have to be eliminated - physically, if need be. This is a clash not between civilizations, but between humanity and barbarism and a matter of our survival and there is no room for sentimentality. Muslims want to die as much as we want to live - let us then facilitate their accention into their "islamic paradise", if they so desire. The bottom line being that if it has to be "victory or death" for them, we cannot possibly allow their victory, even if it means death of a billion demented cretins of both sexes and of all ages. Amen.

Name: vbv
Date: Friday February 15, 2008
Time: 23:34:24 -0700


Islam is bound to lose in the near future with it being so totally incompatible with free world,secularism,science and technology, free-thinking and democratic values. It stands for obscurantism, bigotry, superstition, fear, irrationality and utter backawardness and it has its followers totally brainwashed in its vice-like grip of oppression, suppression and sheer terror. What do you expect from it ? Enlightenment? Never ! Just igmorance and obfuscation of truth and facts. It is always in a state of denial. It cannot stomach truth and facts as it hurts its stupid,idiotic and inane theology. It is bound to fail since muslims are just a part of the sea of humanity and it is impossible not to be influenced by the positive and ennobling aspects of modern democratic and secular culture and tolerance. To expedite this process the muslims themselves should come forward to reform their creed to be in conformity with modern ethos ,rather than cowering itself into a corner with a false sense of superiority,while actually languishing in obscure values and outdated idealogies which stifle not only peace and prosperity but becomes an impervious wall against progress and advance of science and knowledge. Therefore ,the onus is on the muslims to come out of ignorance and obscurantism and integrate with the rest of the humanity , rather than thrive on insecurity and a false sense of persecution and the so-called 'hurt-feeling'.

Name: Quran and Karl Popper's Critical Rationalism
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 02:54:28 -0700


Quran and Karl Popper's Critical Rationalism:

Name: The Quran and Science: A Logical Approach
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 02:55:26 -0700


The Quran and Science: A Logical Approach:

Name: Revealer
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 03:30:16 -0700


What the world really needs is more and better information about islam. Most non-muslims in the west cannot even imagine how crazed islam really is. And the muslims still cannot understand the world outside islam because they never heard anything else than their muslim-propaganda.

Name: Raja Coventry
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 06:09:55 -0700


Islam can live in democracy but democracy can not live in Islam. Osama-bin-laden going to be remembered in the history the person who helped to eradicate the Islam from this planet.

Name: Igor
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 06:27:54 -0700


To those of you who reject both Islam and Christianity as "myths" that are full of superstitious nonsense, you should know that the Islamists will gladly separate your heads from your bodies when the Caliphate rises, and rise it will. How do I know this? It is because Jesus predicted it and Mohammad confirmed it... Muslims (Sunni and Shia) hope for the appearance of al-Mahdi. Christianity defines al-Mahdi as the Anti-christ, a man whose Caliphate will conquer the world with the help of "Isa" returned (a false prophet who will be able to perform miracles) Al-Mahdi's armies will slaughter millions: Jews, Christians, "infidels" of every stripe. His seven year reign will be the bloodiest in history, and he will demand to be worshipped as God, but in the end he and the false prophet will be destroyed, cast alive by the one true God into hell. You don't believe me? Read this:

Name: Islam is over
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 09:09:33 -0700


The increasing number of Mahdi-Believers is evidence that Islam is really under pressure. The Mahdi is the very last hope for many islamists that islam will survive.

Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 10:19:58 -0700


Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle East, zeroing in on how structural distortions in U.S. coverage have reinforced false perceptions of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This pivotal documentary exposes how the foreign policy interests of American political elites--oil, and a need to have a secure military base in the region, among others--work in combination with Israeli public relations strategies to exercise a powerful influence over how news from the region is reported. Israel is the true enemy of humanity as it kills innocent people and children in their own lands in Palestine, look at the facts:

Name: Islam and Western Imperialism
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 10:52:36 -0700


I think the time is over to blame only the west for the crisis of islam. Maybe the west is arrogant because of it´s superiority. But it is also superior in many aspects. The weakness of islam is the lack of education in many islamic countries. However, the better the education, the more people start questioning islam. For the same reason, Islamic countries suffer from a huge brain drain.

Name: Let them inherit
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 11:21:02 -0700


Muslims hope to inherit the wealth of the West? See what they've done with the wealth they've inherited over ten centuries. They'll take over the West and destroy it and then who will they blame? When there is no more booty to be grabbed, no more jizya to be collected how will they feed themselves? Look at Gaza. They could have taken the greenhouses built by the Israelis and continued to generate income from them. Instead they destroyed them. Islam will die. Then the world can rise again.

Name: submission is not love
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 12:10:13 -0700


You shall love the Lord with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength." Mark 12:30 Understanding Islam conveniently left out the second most important commandment from Mark 12:31: you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus also said "judge not, lest ye be judged". Islam doesn't do that. First, it commands believers to decide who among them is impure and to kill that person. Then it tells them they may hold others in slavery or dhimmitude. It doesn't command you to love all men. Jesus gave no laws for taxation or fasting or anything else. He didn't set up a system of government. He didn't hand out death sentences. He didn't fight the Romans in battle. To say that Islam is a continuation of Jesus' message is total lunacy. But what else can be expected of people who worship a moon god? Lastly, submission is not love.

Name: Jesus submitted his will to the Will of God
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 12:18:10 -0700


"Jesus says: I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father." (John 5:30)

Name: to Understanding Islam
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 12:19:08 -0700


Jesus was a Jew. How can Muslims claim that Islam is "the same truth that God has revealed to all His prophets throughout history. Islam is the religion which was given to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist, and Jesus"? Beginning with Abraham, all were Jews. How do you square that with the koranic verse that damns the Jews as descendants of apes and pigs? That means all the prophets extolled in the Quran, up to and including Jesus, were also descendants of apes and pigs. How do you revere descendants of apes and pigs?

Name: Like Muslims, Jesus also submitted his will to the Will of God
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 12:21:20 -0700


Like Muslims, Jesus also submitted his will to the Will of God: "Jesus says: I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father." (John 5:30)

Name: Abraham was not a Jew, he was a Muslim
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 12:25:35 -0700


Abraham was not a Jew; he was a Muslim, as he submitted his will to the Will of God. The word 'Jew' comes from 'Judah' who was junior to Abraham! So, how come Abraham was a Jew?

Name: VoiceOfReason
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 12:56:06 -0700


A commendable article - but I think more is needed for the ending. Previous comments 'The increasing number of Mahdi-Believers is evidence that Islam is really under pressure' and 'Osama-bin-laden going to be remembered in the history the person who helped to eradicate the Islam from this planet' you really think that the 'West' is going to disappear without a fight? Look around you. The discipline of reason, the science, the technology, the absolute determination and genius of educated and FREE people to fight for thier rights. Do you seriously think Europe, Russia, China, India and America will just wait for Islam to conquer them? The backlash has already begun and it is too late to stop it now. As the Japanese found out in World War II - the sleeping giant will take a few blows for it to wake, but when it know the ending.

Name: Abraham fathered the Jews
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 13:07:26 -0700


Abraham was the one with whom God made his covenant. That covenant was passed down to Isaac and from him to Jacob. The term Jew does refer to Judaism, but it was Judah's father, Jacob, whom God called Israel. He then said: I will give you the land which I gave to Abraham and to Isaac, and I will also give it to your descendants after you. (Genesis 35:12) Once again, submission is not love.

Name: Abraham a Muslim....
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 13:10:32 -0700


So if Abraham was a Muslim and the Jews are descended from Abraham, how are they descended from apes and pigs? You keep saying Abraham was a Muslim. Okay maybe the Jews aren't Muslims but you are calling Abraham a pig because the Jews are his descendants. Pig or prophet? Which is it?

Name: to Voice of Reason
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 13:22:13 -0700


I hope you're right, but I see Europeans surrendering to their own fear and caving in to demands for sharia law. That any of them would oppose the Danish cartoons being printed or reprinted is a sign of how far the West has fallen. People in the West will most definitely fight back, but I think we are nearing the point of no return and that our final victory will prove pyrrhic. The time to stand up was (at the latest) when the American embassy in Iran was overrun and diplomats taken hostage in an abject violation of international law. That also doesn't take into account that we are the very ones who have strengthened our enemy. First we got rid of the threats they faced, from the Shah to the Soviets to Saddam. Then we armed them. Western arms dealers were all too happy to provide wares to Muslim governments in a shortsighted search for profit. Those governments were all too happy to pass those wares down to jihadists in return for being left alone.

Name: That makes me a Muslim, Too!
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 14:08:11 -0700


If merely submitting to the will of God made Abraham a Muslim then everyone is. You know what? I'm a Muslim, even though I submit to the will of God through my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ. I should be allowed into Mecca even though I wouldn't say a single prayer in a mosque.

Name: peter ali
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 15:02:07 -0700


How The West Will Conquer Islamofascism I have been linking to coverage of the pro-secularism protests in Turkey. These protests are important because they represent one way in which the West will tame Islam: through people in Muslim countries deciding that they want to be "civilized, modern people" who enjoy the legacy of the European Enlightenment, and who do so largely by abandoning Islam as a religion. The article linked to below implies another way, a repeat of the process by which Christianity was tamed in the West: reform from within by religious thinkers who incorporate secular Enlightenment ideas into the realm of theology, as was done to Christianity in the Renaissance and Enlightenment, to the point where even the pope thinks that secular Classical philosophy is an integral part of the religion. Thus, the author below suggests that Muslims who have fled to the West to avoid the rise of religious fanaticism in their own countries will create an Islam reformed by ijtihad (independent thinking) and by "the spirit of intellectual rationalism." Incidentally, I have no doubt that the West will ultimately tame Islam. Our culture is so much stronger, so much more vibrant, so much more rewarding for those who accept it, that I do not believe it can lose in the long run. The only question is how long the conquest of Islam will take, how complete that conquest will be, and how much damage we will suffer while we lumber awkwardly toward that goal. "Islam's Coming Renaissance Will Rise in the West," Ameer Ali, The Australian, April 30 The Islamic resurgence of the post-1970s strengthened the hands of the religious orthodoxy and engendered the spectre of political Islam but failed to rekindle the spirit of intellectual rationalism that once pushed Islam to the frontiers of science and modernity. That failure was compounded and worsened by the rise of tyrannical regimes in the Muslim world. The absence of democracy and lack of popular support forced these regimes to look for legitimacy elsewhere. By championing the cause of religious orthodoxy of the dominant variety in each context, these regimes masqueraded as champions of popular and populist Islam. Any intellectual pursuit that threatened this state-mullah alliance was aggressively curtailed. In Egypt, in Pakistan, in Syria, and in many other Muslim countries Muslim intellectuals who challenged populist Islam faced condemnation not only by the religious hardliners but also by the secular elite that governed these countries. One happy outcome of this tragic situation was the voluntary exodus of Muslim intellectuals to the West. From an inhospitable environment of political tyranny and ideological oppression Muslim scholars migrated to find refuge in the West, where the mind enjoys more freedom to think, debate, and express. As a result, the migrant Muslim intellectuals are now producing a new genre of publications, many of which are questioning centuries-old interpretations of the primary texts in Islam. A new era of ijtihad (independent thinking) rooted in scientific, objective reasoning is spreading from the West and is beginning to make its mark in the Muslim mind-set…. There are too many of these scholars to enumerate and the number is increasing. All these cases underline the revolutionary thinking among Muslim intellectuals that is setting the pace for a new wave of Islamic rationalism radiating from the West…. The situation is changing fast. The internet and electronic communication technology have revolutionised the production and distribution of knowledge. Sources of information that were only remotely accessible to a selected few are readily available to many at the click of a mouse. Inquisitive Muslim minds do not have to wait for a cleric to arrive for consultation on theological issues. With the help of the internet any verse or chapter of the Koran and any sayings of the Prophet can be accessed from multiple sources and the reader has the luxury of choosing from among a variety of interpretations, meanings and elaborations.… The hated West has become the surrogate mother of this wave of Islamic rationalism.

Name: to Peter Ali - from the VoiceOfReason
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 15:25:15 -0700


Very well put and observed. Nothing informs like free knowledge from the internet and the ability of people to contrast and compare. Reason prevails even in our darkest personal moments.

Name: Igor to peter ali
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 17:58:24 -0700


Such wishful thinking! Independent scholarship is all well and good, but it is oil that drives the west's engines, not scholarship. Who controls most of the world's oil supply? OPEC. What are the member nations of OPEC? The current members are Algeria, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Venezuela, all Muslim nations except for Venezuela, and Nigeria, which soon will be. How can OPEC ensure that the world will be more "accomodating" to the Islamic worldview? By threatening to turn off the oil spigot. Call it a stratagem of war, and very Mohammad.

Name: Igor
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 18:05:40 -0700


Wasn't Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in on the U.S. Embassy takeover? That's where he got real street cred with his homies. Here's his blog URL:

Name: Igor
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 18:11:35 -0700


P.S. The world can thank former U.S. President Jimmy Carter for the Iranian Revolution. From: "Remember Carter's human rights program, where he demanded the Shah of Iran step down and turn over power to the Ayatollah Khomeini? No matter that Khomeini was a madman. Carter had the U.S. Pentagon tell the Shah's top military commanders – about 150 of them – to acquiesce to the Ayatollah and not fight him. The Shah's military listened to Carter. All of them were murdered in one of the Ayatollah's first acts. By allowing the Shah to fall, Carter created one of the most militant anti-American dictatorships ever. Soon the new Iranian government was ransacking our embassy and held hostage its staff for over a year. Only President Reagan's election gave Iran the impetus to release the hostages."...Yep, Carter should have stuck with growing peanuts. Now he's trying to save the world!!!

Name: Ananda
Date: Saturday February 16, 2008
Time: 18:18:03 -0700


Islam has already lost, outside of Middle East. It stands exposed as a horrible cult and no amount of sweet talking or threat or "intelligent analysis" would be able to change undisputed facts. Islam's bite in the world is not spirituality but oil. Just visualize Middle East without oil, and then calculate the power of Islam. How many cab drivers do the world need? This "analyst" says the west also will loose. That's a big bullshit. No religion is driver of any western country.

Name: Chandra Segaran Nair
Date: Sunday February 17, 2008
Time: 04:49:28 -0700


Mumin Salih has hit the nail on the head. I hope the british and other western nations take note of this timely warning and save themself and thier culture.

Name: Hector
Date: Sunday February 17, 2008
Time: 06:59:43 -0700


So true!

Name: crusader
Date: Sunday February 17, 2008
Time: 10:08:10 -0700


Thomas Justin Kaze nailed it!!! No need to add anything, read his comments and think people, THINK! Time to WAKE THE HELL UP and destroy ALL the Barbarians!

Name: crusader
Date: Sunday February 17, 2008
Time: 10:17:15 -0700


Understanding Islam wrote: "The word also implies "peace" which is the natural consequence of total submission to the will of GOD." Well...suppose I do NOT want to submit to God? What gives you or anyone else the right to determine what free-thinking people should "submit" to??? This is the fallacious Islamist argument, No room for dissent. Thanks, but no thanks, I'll stick to my 4,000 year-old WESTERN traditions of free thought and free will. I'd say you can believe in whatever you want (ie, Islam), as long as you don't impose it on me, but all right-minded people know that rationale just does not work with Islam. It's either the prophet or the sword with this "cult of death."

Name: Ananda
Date: Sunday February 17, 2008
Time: 23:46:09 -0700


From(Chandra Segaran Nair): --(Mumin Salih has hit the nail on the head.I hope the british and other western nations take note of this timely warning and save themself and thier culture)-- Muslims are desperately hoping that the West take them seriously. They threaten, they suicide bomb, they wear hijab & cut clitoris, they go berserk on Muhammad cartoons, they give "timely warnings" to save the west & their culture - but the West continues to ignore the Muslims. Muslims are really frustrated, and have started adopting Hindu names to give credibility to these "timely warnings".

Name: Shafee al-Apostate al-Zindig
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 00:30:38 -0700


“Knowing the Muslims’ mindset, we can safely say that Muslims may not even bother to consider any critical analysis of Islam that comes from non-Muslims, no matter how genuine and legitimate it may be.” On the other hand they will readily grasp at the non-Muslim conmen like Maurice Bucaille and his opportunistic kind with their phony validation of Quranic so-called ‘miracles’. If these liars truly believed this nonsense they would have been the first to convert and revert to the Islamist dark ages. “The Internet is the first true challenge to Islam because it breaks through all the Islamic security systems.” This is why they go to such great lengths to hack and destroy websites like this and when this fails they send in their mindless legions of darkness to infest the comment pages with their off-topic garbage and worthless rantings and abuse. And they think this is debate! The good thing though, is that it exposes their stupidity, blood-thirst and foul minds for the entire world to see at first hand. No amount of taqiyya can hide this. As for the Archdhimmi of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, the good news is that he proved to be the Islamists’ worst enemy in disguise. The outpouring of rage and criticism in the British mainstream media and the internet to his attempted treason stunned him and his backward paymasters. Hopefully it will prove to be a wake-up call to the lethargic British of their eventual fate if they fail to heed the warnings.

Name: agnostic
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 05:25:02 -0700


Islam Will Lose, that's for sure. The demise of islam is progressing well with new apostates, on a daily basis, mind you. The muslim world will not accept it simply because they can't. So brainwashed are they that their whole miserable existence is in the hands of the state and the mullahs. Why? Because muslims do not have the mental strength nor stamina to take charge of their life. Arab world's leading poet, Adonis put it succinctly: with the concept of "oneness", which is reflected - in practical or political terms - in the concept of the hero, the savior, or the leader. This concept offers an inner sense of security to people who are afraid of freedom. Some human beings are afraid of freedom. When you are free, you have to face reality, the world in its entirety. You have to deal with the world's problems, with everything. On the other hand, if we are slaves, we can be content and not have to deal with anything. Just as Allah solves all our problems, the dictator will solve all our problems." That's why islamic countries are cesspools . All the states of the Muslim world are merely honorific. They were created by fiat, by the West, in the aftermath of the crushing defeat and occupation of the Ottoman Empire. They are maintained in existence by the West's forbearance and generosity. They could be destroyed in a matter of hours and they know all this perfectly well. They are at the deepest level unmanned, their cultural and religious inheritance has been repeatedly, decisively, utterly defeated. Even the oil that gives them fabulous wealth are paid by the West for oil that they did not themselves do anything to obtain, and do not themselves know how to extract; oil that, under the old system of international relations, the West could have simply taken. Just as the West created their honorofic artificial construct the West has the power to eliminate them. And they know it. But the dolts they are they have to thump their chest like a gorilla facing an AK-47! But more important is that they know that the cult they follow is unstable. The cult is unable to adapt, to change, and to evolve It does not have anybody to define the doctrine. There is no hierarchy in Islam. No central school of thought. No agreement on jurisprudence hence the odd 200 sects and the desire to slaughter one another for that elusive, mythical, "pure" islam. Nothing frightens muslims more than the very existence of Jews and Christians, a people whom the quran repeatedly identifies as the primary enemy of Islam. If muslims fail to destroy Israel and its long history as the birthplace of Jesus and Christianity, that means Allah has failed. If Allah fails, Islam fails with him for Allah is neither the Jewish, nor Christian God. Except for the Middle East everywhere now muslims are looked down upon because of continuous terrorism and fights that are going on in Palestine or Bangladesh or Pakistan. They do not dare to identify themselves as muslims. The cretins carrying placards calling for the deaths of those who "insult" islam do so because of the politically correct cowardice environment and at the instigation of the myopic media, loony leftists, liberal lemmings who take equally perverse delight in the demonstrations that "liberate from Christianity" act is foisted on the natives. A lot of muslims may be innocent but are all branded as killers and bomb makers. They are not winning but already defeated. And any muslim with an iota of grey cells in his cranium would leave that cult or be eliminated in the coming days together with the traitors leftist, liberals et al.

Name: agnostic
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 05:28:39 -0700


Why the West Will Not Lose. Dhimmi Britainstan awoke when the Arch Dhimmi Rowan Williams called for sharia for social cohesion in the case for the simultaneous practice of English law and sharia law in Britain. The despicable traitor had to run for cover when the MSM lined up against him. The christian spiritual leader is now a spiritual capitulator. This is the ultimate betrayal by an archbishop of Anglicans that epitomises the epithet "et tu Brutus?" No other words spring to mind more readily than those of King Henry II: Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest? This affords the Vatican the opportunity to bring the Anglicans to heel and to join the Roman Catholic Church. The pope will step in as the supreme unifying authority—the only one that can finally unite the differing nations of Europe. … Europe will go Roman Catholic! Protestantism will be absorbed into the ‘mother’ church—and totally abolished. There is no leader of merit in western Europe and the pope provides that sorely needed leadership, with Germany at the fore. More and more other denominations are joining the Catholic church. The defeat of Protestantism would weaken it throughout all Europe, and this has been its aim since the Reformation. The Times of London reported February 19, 07: “Radical proposals to reunite Anglicans with the Roman Catholic Church under the leadership of the pope are to be published this year, the Times has learned. The proposals have been agreed by senior bishops of both churches. In a 42-page statement prepared by an international commission of both churches, Anglicans and Roman Catholics are urged to explore how they might reunite under the pope.” Rome has ruled for 2000 years. Why does the Vatican allow for muslim immigration in Europe? Take a good look and see how muslims are ghettoised. What better and quicker way for internment and extermination? The pope threw down the gauntlet in September 2006,when he deliberately offended muslims by quoting a Byzantine emperor from the 14th century. Here is what the emperor said: “Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached. Benedict (Ratzinger) is a man of carefully chosen words, each measured and calculated with deep hidden meanings. And it is Germany that will take the lead in the extermination of muslims, followed by the east european countries of Hungary, Belgrade, Poland all of whom suffered under islam and then communism and they don't want the same shit again. France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and the dhimmi of the lot Sweden will find their Viking blood and rise to the occasion and destroy muslim controlled "no go areas" .As for the Palis, take a look at the map and see how the genocidal, stupid subhumans are concentrated together with their Arab brethren for a turkey shoot. Iraq and Afghanistan are killed off daily with depleted uranium poisoning. Mecca and Medina will be bombed to smithereens after the Al Aqsa abomination. Mao Tze Tung said: Power is at the barrel of the gun. And oh, the muslim allah, impotent and useless, proven time and again, will be proved to be nothing more than a figment of imagination from a demon-filled, delusional, mentally diseased Mohd . Tch! Tch!

Name: Allat
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 08:49:04 -0700


"Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, John the Baptist, and Jesus"? Beginning with Abraham, all were Jews. "____________________-Actually, TODAY, archeologists, Biblical scholars, those are PhD's are finding out that these men, were anything BUT Jews.In the first place, there weren't any jews at that time. They've studied all records, the Pentateuch, the Book of Moses, the Torah, etc, and find there seems to be a vast difference between "Hebrews" and "Israelites." Esp. during the time of Moses. ______________ ALso, it's being discovered that these guys in their own name persona didn't really exist. Through decifering all ancient Sumerian tablets and the Egyptian Papyrus- not only Sitchin, but many others -it turns out NOah was the Enmeduranki, King of Sippar; AND there were Hyksos Pharaohs: Abraham,was Tutmosis III; Joseph was Sobekemsaf; and Moses was Akhenaton.____________ AND that Jesus was NOT jewish, but the Teacher of Righteousness mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls.---------------This is a new and refreshing view of history, and in connecting the dots and comparing the scriptures, it all makes better sense.___________After all you ALL know there was something wrong, you all felt it, that we were being lied to all these years, that history is NOT what we were told, if you are frank, you ALL would admit it. church (small "c") and state has lied to us ALL these years, in re. to history and esp. the history of the West. And they had the nerve to "mythologize" the ancient histories of all other Peoples, incl. Indigenous tribes._______________Along comes all these new, young,maverick Ph D-in all fields-who are now - thanks in large part to the Internet - and the transmitting of jpg. (photos and close-ups) that are comparing texts of all the Peoples of the world, and mythologies, and art, and ancient artifacts, petroglyphs, writings, etc. - and finding out that, everything is NOT as we thought!

Name: Skeptical
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 16:36:14 -0700


The above "equal time" article, while providing some useful insight into a likely pattern of the demise of [Mohommedism], as illuminated by following comments, panders to West hating mentality with irrational and hopelessly exaggerated statements (lies). The relative lack of xenophobia in what he terms as "the West", a term which he soothsays in a distinctively Middle Eastern perjorative tradition, is actually one of the great strengths of rule of law respecting societies, which also happen to be in the East in case you haven't checked recently.

Name: Fr. Constantine J. Simones
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 17:18:50 -0700


What a wonderful article. May you write more of the same so that some light can enter the darkness of Islam. Just before reading your article, I witnessed a video of a twelve year old Afgan boy beheading an adult male. The barbarism of such an act in the 21st century is beyond comprehension. We are created by the same God and therefore we are brothers and sisters of the same Father of eternity. We need one another. We do not need to slaughter one another. This is counterproductive. May God have mercy on our souls.

Name: Thomas Justin Kaze
Date: Monday February 18, 2008
Time: 22:54:14 -0700


Thank you, Crusader (February 17). I have been saying and writing this (and so had the late Oriana Fallaci): if it was not for the Leftist saboteurs on the inside, our war on Islam would be quick and successful, without any significant losses on our side. Thomas Justin Kaze

Name: Allat
Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
Time: 10:18:12 -0700


"is actually one of the great strengths of rule of law respecting societies, which also happen to be in the East in case you haven't checked recently." Well, it's not that I'm nitpicking, and taking apart postings, just for the sake of it. But I've been thinking for a long time now, everyone automatically takes the East as paragons of virtues, you know, Eastern Religions, Hinduism, etc. ___________________________But tht can't be. I mean that's gone, if it ever was. I wonder East....what East? Do people mean Red China? the Koreas? Malaysia? Burma? Cambodia? So. Thailand? Even India? India has had the repressive caste system for millennia. Indian culture has the killing of young brides when the family dislikes her. India has the placing of little girls into a temple to be trained to service men sexually, as part of the temple worship. China had Confucius a patriarch, who thought women were lesser and should bow to men. It had foot-binding for a millenia.........It seems the superiority of the East, has been a false construct, a propaganda which we, in the West, have fallen for. Oh, don't take my word for it, people, do your research, and THEN come back.

Name: Rudy
Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
Time: 13:06:48 -0700


The West will not lose because the United States, as usual is the lone power taking the fight to the bad guys. In the end, we will likely have to nuke mecca and madina, along with waziristan to show muslims we are sick of their crap, their ideaology, and their 7th century cult.

Name: VoiceOfReason
Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
Time: 14:30:32 -0700


Islam is a young religion. It's in it's teenage years - precocious, challenging authority, idealistic etc..unfortunately it will soon be confronted with the adult years. Monotheistic imperialism is a sitting duck. It's static in a universe in flux. Science, technology, and the better quality of life they bring. I feel so sad that there are so many followers of Islam, who are extremely intelligent people, but have been indoctrinated since birth - that simply will never taste freedom.

Date: Saturday February 23, 2008
Time: 12:52:59 -0700


WorldNetDaily, February 15, 2008 {snip} “Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded,” says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, “The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.” “Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.” {snip} For more than 35 years [Dr. Rossiter] has diagnosed and treated more than 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases as a board-certified forensic psychiatrist. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago. Rossiter says the kind of liberalism being displayed by the two major candidates for the Democratic Party presidential nomination can only be understood as a psychological disorder. {snip} Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by: * creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization; * satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation; * augmenting primitive feelings of envy; * rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government. “The roots of liberalism—and its associated madness—can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind,” he says. “When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.”

Name: Arius
Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
Time: 20:30:44 -0700


Islamic civilization stands upon a foundation constructed from rules in the Koran and Hadiths and it all comes down to submission to Allah. Not love, not faith, not good works, just submission. It does not foster, in fact it impedes the development of individual conscience as opposed to Christianity which has fostered the development of individual conscience in the West. Muslims do not think like we do in the West, they think without individual conscience. While our morality and ethics is driven by the need to be and know truth, the Muslims’ is not truth based, it’s a simple morality of that which advances Islam is good and otherwise it’s evil. This is why Muslims make outrageous lies and horrific terrorist attacks and are not embarrassed when caught. This is why the West makes terrible mistakes, the Western shadow overlaps or is projected onto the Muslim so we want to believe Muslim lies (since they are people too and like us are mostly good and truthful, so we think), we cannot imagine they can be as evil as they are, make excuses for them, and try to blame ourselves. Expressed another way, we in the West operate with a bipolar morality of good and evil that we admit can be personal and that our conscience must arbitrate, whereas the Muslim operates with a bipolar morality of Muslims are good and the other is evil, without conscience. The morality of the West does not map to the morality of the Muslim. The Muslim very clearly sees the internal conflicted nature of the West and plays upon that conflict. Muslim media disinformation in Yugoslavia in the 1990’s and more recently by Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Gaza are only a few examples of striking at the Western internal conflict. Muslims use multiculturalism and its language to strike at our shadow which is our Achilles Heel.

Name: To all muslims
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 13:58:56 -0700


Let's assume for a second that you muslims manage to convert the entire world population to Islam. What do you think you'll happen after that? Do you think you will enjoy peace? Not a chance. You'll ask why. The answer is simple. Your religion preaches hatred and violence and because these traits are inherent in you, you can't live a life of peace so you'll end up hating you own people and end up killing each other. So either way, you are doomed.

Name: S.n.a shah
Date: Monday February 25, 2008
Time: 21:54:21 -0700


People like mumin salih is a curse to mankind. He is for sale he will even sell his mother and sisters for money dont listen to him.

Name: See Shah's Muslim mentality
Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
Time: 10:41:32 -0700


Instead of commenting on the article he drags in the authors Mother and sisters. This is the way Islam makes people respect women (not). Muslims would start cursing a person and dissing their mother rather than face uncomfortable issues logically.

Name: Rockmelon
Date: Friday June 06, 2008
Time: 17:03:16 -0700


The continental movement of Islam could have been extinguished when it was a mere spark. Clearly, Amsterdam, London and France are bending over backward to appease Muslims and promote Islam and its inherent Sharia Law at the expense of native nationals. This "fanning of the flame" has created a wildfire on both sides; believers and non-believers. We can no longer expect to extinguish the fires of Islam by ordinary means. Unfortunately, it will take civil wars that will turn into global destruction and suffering in our attempts to quell Islam and restore freedoms and human rights. That the nations harboring and protecting Muslims refuse to listen to what the people are saying is abominable. It's a disgrace to have "insanity" parading as a "religion" because of political correctness. One day, when it becomes obvious that nations who have pandered to Islam have lost their historical identity, then maybe this fiasco will be put into perspective.

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