Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims
Amil Imani Page


Is Democracy the Killer of Liberty? [27 May, 2009]

Mullahs of Iran and Obama's Unabated Naïveté [08 Apr, 2009]

Obama & Khamenei [29 Mar, 2009]

An Appeal to Cultural Muslims [12 Mar, 2009]

A Salute to Champions of Liberty [03 Mar, 2009]

Iran Mullahs Turning Universities into Graveyards [27 Feb, 2009]

The Story of the Liberty Gene [20 Feb, 2009]

Chaos, Crisis & Terror Serves Islamic Iran [18 Feb, 2009]

Good Hate, Bad Love [31 Jan, 2009]

Islam Demands Surrender [27 Jan, 2009]

Islamism is Like Sadism [30 Dec, 2008]

Baha'is: The New Jews [21 Dec, 2008]

Religious Imprinting and Jihadism  [22 Sep, 2008]

Genesis of Shi'a Islam [29 Aug, 2008]

Iran Mullahs’ Blame Game  [16 Aug, 2008]

Islamobil: Mosque on Wheels [08 Aug, 2008]

Iran Mullahs' Reign of Terror [28 July, 2008]

Telling the Truth is Islam Bashing? [17 July, 2008]

They Hanged Her For Teaching Love [13 July, 2008]

Culturecide in the Islamic Republic of Iran [28 Jun, 2008]

A Mullah Reality Check [29 May, 2008]

Europe Shall Bleed, Once Again [24 May, 2008]

Islam is a Trojan Horse  [17 Apr, 2008]

Islam and the Iranian Dilemma [29 Mar, 2008]

The Iranian Cultural and Natural Heritage Year [15 Mar, 2008]

The Terrorist Watch [09 Feb, 2008]

Religion is Fire [06 Feb, 2008]

In Remembrance of Cyrus the Great, the First Secular King of History [31 Jan, 2008]

Muslims’ Victim Mentality [26 Jan, 2008]

Dear Iranians: Have the Courage to Say No to Islam [22 Jan, 2008]

Ways to Defeat Islamic Jihadism [10 Jan, 2008]

Never Mind the Bomb, Beware of Islamofascism [24 Dec, 2007]

The Bomb, Iran's Mullahs and Doomsday [17 Dec, 2007]

Why Iran’s Mullahs Must Have the Bomb?  [15 Dec, 2007]

America's Bigger Threat: Dishonest Moderate Muslims or Honest Jihadists?  [28 Nov, 2007]

Islam is the Enemy of Freedom  [21 Nov, 2007]

Iran: The Islamic Republic’s War with the Dead  [14 Nov, 2007]

Is 'Allah' a False God?  [10 Nov, 2007]

Happy Cyrus Day  [30 Oct, 2007]

Why Is America Doomed? [25 Oct, 2007]

President Ahmadinejad's Vision  [04 Oct, 2007]

Who is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?  [25 Sep, 2007]

The Iran Conundrum  [18 Sep, 2007]

Remembering the Unforgettable [11 Sep, 2007]

Domestic Genocide in Iran  [29 Aug, 2007]

Mullahs and Opiates [19 Aug, 2007]

A Bridge to “Moderate” Islam Is a Road to Hell  [08 Aug, 2007]

Moderate Islam Is No Islam  [16 Jul, 2007]

Iran: It’s Time for a Progressive Revolution [01 Jul, 2007]

Terrorist Bill of Rights  [14 Jun, 2007]

Israel: It’s Payback Time  [10 Jun, 2007]

Islamist Threats in the U.S.  [30 May, 2007]

Islamic “Democide” in Iran  [24 May, 2007]

Islam - the Grand Delusion  [12 May, 2007]

Pacifism against radical Islam invites Doomsday  [23 April, 2007]

A Call to Moderate Muslims [08 April, 2007]

Beware of Mullahs Bearing Gifts [30 Mar, 2007]

Why Confront Islamism?  [01 Mar, 2007]

Political Correctness is the Incubator of Islamism  [14 Feb, 2007]

Iran: No Bombs, No Appeasement [06 Feb, 2007]

Would Iran’s Mullahs Use the Bomb? [06 Jan, 2007]

What to do about Iran?   [06 Jan, 2007]

Resurging Islam-Revival of Slavery  [30 Dec, 2006]

Iranians Are Friends of the Jews  [26 Dec, 2006]

Iranians Are Defiant against Ahmadinejad madness  [18 Dec, 2006]

Islam's Apartheid   [18 Dec, 2006]

The Holocaust Conference Shames Iran  [14 Dec, 2006]

The Mullahs Ruling Iran Are Not Iranians  [11 Dec, 2006]

Dear Muslims: Which "House" is America to you? [05 Dec, 2006]

Democracy’s Problems with Islam  [18 Nov, 2006]

Holding Islam to Account [7 Nov, 2006]

Muslims and the Religious Brain  [26 Oct, 2006]

Infighting Amongst Allah's Soldiers in Iran  [17 Oct, 2006]

Stand and Fight, or Cut and Run: You Decide   [13 Oct, 2006]

Islam Has Expired  [10 October, 2006]

Know Thy Enemy: Iran’s Ruling Mullahs  [10 Oct, 2006]

The Islam Conundrum [02 Oct, 2006]

Is Islamic Fascism a Slur?  [24 Sep, 2006]

Proving the Pope Right  [22 Sept, 2006]

America’s Lusting Carter Meets Iran’s Smiling Khatami: A Parody  [16 Sep, 2006]

Welcome to the Land of the Great Satan, Smiling Mullah Khatami  [05 Sep, 2006]

Challenge to Muslims  [26 Aug, 2006]

Islam’s Brutalization of Baha’is in Iran  [23 Aug, 2006]

A Look at the Muslim Mindset   [18 Aug, 2006]

It is Islam, dummy   [14 Aug, 2006]

Islam's Useful Idiots [08 Aug, 2006]

Islam: The greatest threat to Western Civilization and Christianity

Iran Mullahs' Aim [28 July , 2006]

Dear Muslims: What is It that You Don’t Understand? [21st July, 2006]

Is Islam Misrepresented? [02 July, 2006]

Rich Muslims Go to Heaven  [27 June, 2006]

Fleecing the Fleece-less, Islamic Way  [14 June, 2006]

Why Islam is in Shambles? [14 June, 2006]

President Ahmadinejad’s Vision  [01 June, 2006]

The Last Will and Testament of a Suicide Bomber [01 June, 2006]

Iran’s Ahmadinejad is not Unhinged [26 May, 2006]

The Apocalyptic Message of President Ahmadinejad to President Bush [15 May, 2006]

Shirin Ebadi: Voice of Democracy or Voice of Mullacracy? [9 May, 2006]

Islam: A False Religion[17 April, 2006]

America: The Last Frontier[14 Feb, 2006]

Ignorance, the Greatest Threat Facing America [10 January, 2006]

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