Islamic Voodoos
Chapter 10
Hygiene Voodoos
visitors to Islamic Paradises are often taken aback when they
observe the horrifying hygienic condition in
these countries, either in public places, or in the privacy of its
Islamic citizens. For example, in Islamic countries such as
Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan, Nigeria, Mauritania…and so on, people
often spit anywhere they like; urinate and defecate in public
places, whenever opportunity permits, oblivious to the fact that
human saliva and excrement are potential carriers of deadly germs
and viruses. In many Islamic Paradises, public places, such as
parks, recreation centres, sports facilities etc., are often
littered with obnoxious objects including human faeces. The open
sewers on both sides of the road, the raw sewage‑infested railway
tracks, the dirt, and litter in uncultivated or unoccupied spaces
often produce revulsion to any visitors who dare to experience
such horrible unhygienic conditions in many Islamic Paradises.
Has Islam anything to do with such a terrible health hazard? Or is this due to poverty?
Let us examine the sources of Islam to gauge the truth. The
readers will note that many unhygienic practices
followed in such Islamic Paradises (Dar al‑Islam) emanate
directly from the practices of Muhammad as described in
a number of ahadith (Muhammad’s act or sunna). These ahadith tell
us that Muhammad and his companions, including his wives, lived in
terrible unhygienic conditions. They had very little regard for a
healthy, clean and disease‑free environment. They were inured to
the dirty, unclean, and often unhealthy practices of the desert
Here are three ahadith to learn about the pathetic personal hygiene of Muhammad and his followers:
Some jihadist’s lice fell from their heads on their faces…(Sahih Bukhari, 5.59.503)
Sahih Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number
Narrated Kab bin Ujra:
The Prophet came to me at the time of Al-Hudaibiya Pledge while lice were falling on my face. He said, "Are the lice of your head troubling you?" I said, "Yes." He said, "Shave your head and fast for three days, or feed six poor persons, or slaughter a sheep as sacrifice." (The sub-narrator, Aiyub said, "I do not know with which of these three options he started.") - Muhammad visited Umm Haram and she looked for lice on his head…(Sahih Bukhari, 9.87.130)
Sahih Bukhari,
Volume 9, Book 87, Number 130:
Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Allah's Apostle used to visit Um Haram bint Milhan she was the wife of 'Ubada bin As-Samit. One day the Prophet visited her and she provided him with food and started looking for lice in his head. Then Allah's Apostle slept and afterwards woke up smiling. Um Haram asked, "What makes you smile, O Allah's Apostle?" He said, "Some of my followers were presented before me in my dream as fighters in Allah's Cause, sailing in the middle of the seas like kings on the thrones or like kings sitting on their thrones." (The narrator Ishaq is not sure as to which expression was correct). Um Haram added, 'I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Invoke Allah, to make me one of them;" So Allah's Apostle invoked Allah for her and then laid his head down (and slept). Then he woke up smiling (again). (Um Haram added): I said, "What makes you smile, O Allah's Apostle?" He said, "Some people of my followers were presented before me (in a dream) as fighters in Allah's Cause." He said the same as he had said before. I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Invoke Allah to make me from them." He said, "You are among the first ones." Then Um Haram sailed over the sea during the Caliphate of Muawiya bin Abu Sufyan, and she fell down from her riding animal after coming ashore, and died.
Muhammad's companions were manual labourers;
they had stinky body odour...(Sahih Bukhari 3.34.285)
Sahih Bukhari,
Volume 3, Book 34, Number 285:
Narrated Aisha:
The companions of Allah's Apostle used to practise manual labor,
so their sweat used to smell, and they were advised to take a
No wonder then, that, today, most of Muhammad’s ardent followers carry on with his tradition or Sunna—because it is compulsory for every Muslim to emulate Muhammad in all aspects, including his personal hygiene habits (see verses 3:31, 3:132, 4:13, 33:21, 33:36, and 68:4).
Muhammad’s Obsession with Saliva, Dirt, and Polluted Water
- To prove his divinity and supernatural power Muhammad often resorted to horrid practices. Such practices involved asking people to use the water he had polluted through ablution, bath, or mouthwash, or even by spitting on it.
South Sudan - People drink, wash clothes, clean their fish
all in one spot |
Sahih Bukhari (1.4.187) sates that people used to collect the leftover water after Muhammad’s ablution. He asked people to drink the water from the tumbler on which he had washed his hands, and threw a mouthful of water in it.
To prove his divine authority, Muhammad even let a sick boy drink the leftover water after he had performed ablution (Sahih Bukhari, 1.4.189). Another boy drank the leftover water/milk that Muhammad had drunk (Sahih Bukhari, 3.40.541, 554)
One grotesque unhygienic practice of Muhammad was the use of his saliva to influence illiterate, uninformed believers to his claim of possession of supernatural power. In earlier episodes we already witnessed many examples of this extremely unhygienic practice. Here are a few more samples of Muhammad’s fixation with his spittle.
- Muhammad used his saliva to soften a date, and then gave it to an infant to suck…(Sahih Bukhari, 25.5340, 5341, 5345)
- When Anas’s son was born Muhammad fed him with dates mixed with his (Muhammad’s) saliva and gave him the name Abdullah…(Sahih Bukhari, 31.6013)
- Muhammad’s saliva is good for children. He used to spit into the mouth of suckling children, and his saliva would satisfy them until nightfall…(Ash Shifa, p.184)
- If a baby sucked Muhammad’s tongue, the baby became quiet…(Ash Shifa, p.184)
- He gave al‑Hasan and al‑Husayn his tongue to suck. They had been weeping from thirst and upon sucking Muhammad’s tongue they became quiet…(Ash Shifa, p.184)
- People rubbed Muhammad’s spittle on their faces…(Ash Shifa, p.237)
- Muhammad recommended that you can spit on your cloth and then fold it and rub it…(Sahih Muslim, 4.1121)
- Spit three times to the left when someone questions who created Allah…(ibn Ishaq, p.270)
Incredible Islamic Hygiene
- Not only that Muhammad had poor personal hygiene habits, he also recommended many of his followers to resort to extremely dirty, unhealthy, and repulsive acts.
fasting person often develops terrible stench in his mouth. In
Islam, it is considered quite a healthy habit to possess such a
bad breath when a Muslim is fasting. A hadis is Sahih Bukhari
(7.72.811) states that the smell of the mouth of a fasting person
is better to Allah than the smell of musk. This means that a
Muslim is not obliged to resort to good oral hygiene during the
month of Ramadan. This also means that other people will get
reward for smelling the bad odour of a fasting Muslim.
Another incredible hadis in Sunaan Abu Dawud (1.0067) states that water polluted by dead dogs, menstruating clothes and excrement of people is suitable for use for anything.
It is worthwhile to read the full hadis:
Sunaan Abu Dawud,
Book 1, Number 0067:
Narrated Abu Sa'id al-Khudri:
I heard that the people asked the Prophet of Allah (peace_be_upon_him):
Water is brought for you from the well of Buda'ah. It is a well in
which dead dogs, menstrual clothes and excrement of people are
thrown. The Messenger of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) replied: Verily
water is pure and is not defiled by anything.
Another hadis in Sahih Bukhari (1.5.260) says that after sexual intercourse, clean the private parts with hand; rub the hand in wall, and then wash the hand.
Let us read this hadis in full.
Sahih Bukhari,
Volume 1, Book 5, Number 260:
Narrated Maimuna:
The Prophet took the bath of Janaba. (sexual relation or wet
dream). He first cleaned his private parts with his hand, and then
rubbed it (that hand) on the wall (earth) and washed it. Then he
performed ablution like that for the prayer, and after the bath he
washed his feet.
Here are a few more ahadith on the Islamic hygiene:
- If you cover your feet with dust for Allah's cause, then Allah will save them from hell fire...(Sahih Bukhari, 2.13.30)
- If you have a bad dream then spit on your left and seek refuge from Allah…(Sahih Bukhari, 9.87.133)
- Share a tooth pick between two persons…(Sunaan Abu Dawud, 1.0050)
- If you touch a carcass, no need to wash your hands…(Sunaan Abu Dawud, 1.0186)
- You can use polluted water for ablution...(Sunaan Abu Dawud, 1.0066)
Muhammad’s Sweat was Perfume
- Ash Shifa (p.35) states that women collected Muhammad’s sweat, because his sweat smelled perfume. Asha Shifa continues:
The messenger of Allah slept on a rug in the house of Anas and perspired. Anas’s mother brought a long‑necked bottle in which to put his sweat. The Messenger of Allah asked her about this she said, “We put it in our perfume and it is the most fragrant of scents.”
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Abul Kasem is an Bengali ex-Muslim and academic. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. He can be contacted at
Name: Abdul Rehman
Date: Friday January 04, 2008
Time: 18:12:37 -0700
Well done in throwing such stuff which might amaze some non-muslism but dont you know that his spit and saliva would smell like roses? He was a prophet. And what about his saying that Cleanliness is Half the faith? IF you dont keep yourself and environment you are not even half a muslim!
Name: yuk....
Date: Friday January 04, 2008
Time: 22:48:55 -0700
thanks abulji, i vomitted voilently after reading this. now i know why muslims do the weird stuff...bcoz their fake prophet did thsi and thus they think their imaginary deity/allah will give them 72 sexy houries with unlimited wine in imaginary jannai.PLEASE KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK !!!!!
Date: Friday January 04, 2008
Time: 22:50:51 -0700
Date: Friday January 04, 2008
Time: 23:28:38 -0700
The fake calls himself a 'prophet' - and he's the only prophet of the vulgar cult called 'islam'! Islam means submission to the fake called mu-ham-mad with his filthy unhygenic practices to be suffered by his mad followers! Yuk ! It is filthy ! It makes one vomit just to read that garbage!No wonder muslims never bathe except on fridays! They wipe their shitty ass on gravel and they smell a ton of rotten garbage!!!
Name: Abul Kasem is a bigot Molla!
Date: Saturday January 05, 2008
Time: 06:12:04 -0700
Abul Kasem is a bigot Molla who believes in all the garbage from secondary and tertiary sources of Islam! Muslims do not believe in each and every word from hearsays (i.e., Hadiths). There are many weak and fabricated Hadiths. This anti-Muslim bigot is afraid of criticizing Islam based on the Quran which is the ONLY authentic source of Islam and 100% Muslims believe in it! LOL!
Name: pmk
Date: Saturday January 05, 2008
Time: 09:25:30 -0700
If Mohammed was "inured to the dirty, unclean, and often unhealthy practices of the desert Bedouins", who came up with the idea of washing the feet before entering the mosque?
Date: Saturday January 05, 2008
Time: 09:40:42 -0700
muslim's are allah's favourite !!!!
Name: allat
Date: Saturday January 05, 2008
Time: 11:25:44 -0700
Oh. God! I could only skim the article quickly - it is so disgusting. But let me tell you something, I've read in the China Hist. Forum, that the Asians descended fr. people of China ( One must be careful about this ref.)i.e. from RED China, and esp. those in the U.S. having money to spend, always want to visit the "Old Country." ------------They've found they can't go home again, as the saying goes. With all the "modernization" China has undergone, what with the skyscrapers, and restaurants, and branches of world banks there, it's always a case of filthy bathrooms in fine, city restaurants, and open pitstops in the countryside. Ethnic Chinese have reported of members of tour groups going into restaurant bathrooms, anc coming back out, green around the gills. ---------------------------------------To be fair, ALL peoples in Asia, and in poorer countries are indiferrent to hygiene. -------------When I was in Mexico City, I was drawn to having some "parillada" (Smoked barbecue) from a vendor- the flies around the food were unbelievable. And people in those countries eat the stuff. -----------Bleive me, if it werent' for Food Inspectors and some kind of finickiness of the people in the U.S. - it would be the same disgrace. As it is, the Americanos don't hesitate to throw garbage and cigarettes in the street - if it weren't for street signs posting fines for doing this. And if it weren't for public garbage cans, and even then.------------ I've always thought, that the real herous in any society, are NOT the police or firemen, but the Garbage Collectors. Allat
Date: Saturday January 05, 2008
Time: 20:18:16 -0700
Yuck. And I see this behavior in Vancouver all the time. Creepy.
Name: Dracques
Date: Monday January 07, 2008
Time: 08:27:36 -0700
Good job! But why do we single out Islam? Other religions have their nauseating share of disgusting rituals and sickening practices. To mention a couple of examples in a long list: (1)Thousands of bathers immerse themselves in heavily polluted waters of a sacred river seeking purification and E-colization. (2)Sucking the bleeding circumcized penis of infants by the mohel (they switched recently to a glass straw after a few scandalous incidents of infants death due to infection by the Mohel's saliva du jour, do you see the similarity here?). It seems that Muhammad was not the first salivophile in history! For those who are skeptical, I encourage them to do their own online search and discover all about it by themselves. Be curious and have the courage to find out.
Date: Monday January 07, 2008
Time: 11:59:05 -0700
"1)Thousands of bathers immerse themselves in heavily polluted waters of a sacred river seeking purification and E-colization" ---------------------------------------------Yes, you're talking about the bathers in the Ganges. The thing is, that tests of water have been taken by sicnetiests, and every time, the water has tested PURE! No contamination. ---------------It's a matter of the Power of Intent and Prayers. The thoughts of millions of people there. This has been validated by the Japanese Dr. Emoto Heh, heh, this is the Time when Mankind is learning, "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."
Name: Dracques
Date: Tuesday January 08, 2008
Time: 07:34:29 -0700
Dear Allat: I appreciated your feedback supported with Dr. Emoto's controversial evidence, to say the least. The ultimate irony is that the same Emoto has been used by Muslims to promote their own holy waters ZamZam (Do you see again the similarities between religions when they try to use the same "science" for their own agendas?) Watch this and have a laugh: By the way, why does diarrheal gastroenteritis have higher incidnce during the "holy" season and after the riparian "purification"? You don't need Dr. Emoto's science, just visit a local hospital and ask any impartial health care provider.
Date: Tuesday January 08, 2008
Time: 07:40:25 -0700
Dracques Is thzt so? Gastrointestinal illnesses - in India? Well,live and learn. I didn't know that. I admit I'm ignorant and willing to learn.
Name: Allat
Date: Tuesday January 08, 2008
Time: 07:49:21 -0700
Dracques Well, where does that leave the Healing Waters Lourdes (France) where the "Virgin" was said to appear? Is is real or big business? (No one's a virgin after having a child, much less a happy family of more than 6 wee ones). Yes, little J had siblings. By the way, I find myself averse to the sound of arabic, a harsh gutteral language. It must be psychological with me, I guess.
Name: Dracques
Date: Tuesday January 08, 2008
Time: 10:27:59 -0700
Dear Allat: Why did you ask me about the healing powers of waters in Lourdes, France? You assumed that I was Franch Catholique because of the orthogarphy of my nom de plume? Well, FYI...I am not, and I don't believe in Santa Claus either. Got it yet?
Name: allat
Date: Tuesday January 08, 2008
Time: 11:06:44 -0700
Dracques Nonsense! I didn't assume anything, didn't even take note of any name origin, oldchap! I'm just a heretic (he, he) and the 1st thing that came into my mind was the old story of Lourdes, as comparison. But I'll answer myself on Lourdes. The water is Not polluted as the Ganges. As to the power of deliberate prayer, I KNOW it exists - have you every studied Quantum Physics, esp. in re. to the Double-Slit Experiment- and Particle Wave Physics? Just another name for Magic, dear fellow, Magic.The power of Will and Intent of the Human Being The Physicists acknowledge the validity of it. And who am I to argue with science, eh? CHeck out: "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot (public. libr. or bookstore only 11 bucks.) Now, a logical person like you, is certainly NOT going to discount this, without researching. Are you? Blessed be, Allat- A Wild Amazon Pagan
Name: Dracques
Date: Tuesday January 08, 2008
Time: 21:40:33 -0700
Dear Allat: It's very impolite to ignore people without telling them so. I am telling you now.
Name: Philip Saenz
Date: Saturday January 12, 2008
Time: 08:45:42 -0700
So it wasn't only Muhammad's heart that was putrid?
Name: Lion of Kabul
Date: Saturday January 12, 2008
Time: 11:57:19 -0700
Moe the prophet, what a vile, nasty, filthy & grotesque caricature, his actions are very similar to that of a shit eating pig or the deranged monkeys at the zoo who pass the time jerking off and eating their own feces.
Name: baraa m
Date: Saturday January 12, 2008
Time: 12:43:05 -0700
i doubt anyone of you has a religion or even believes in something..cause things that seems to be normal to me might be weird and creepy to you and vise versa..and plz before you judge others look at your self and when your prefect than you can judge others!
Name: An American Christian
Date: Monday January 14, 2008
Time: 13:00:04 -0700
Muhammed was a false prophet and a vile human being. The history written about him shows he was a disgusting, filthy, ignorant, barbarian who knew nothing of how disease was spread throughout the world. Cleanliness prevents the spread of numerous diseases that have inundated the world and killed millions for the last 2000 years. Muhammed was such a moron that he (or it) refused to asknowledge that he didn't know everything. How can a moronic savage like that profess to be a descendant of God. What a foolish religion, if in fact it can even be called that because it is so violent and ignorant.
Name: Keith Rowe
Date: Monday January 14, 2008
Time: 14:37:35 -0700
The Great deciever has delivered his followers into the bowels of Hell. There are over 1 billion followers of Islam living now, and countless millions have lived out their filthy lives in his social cess-pool. This hedonistic, lying, filthy, meglomaniac has single-handedly ruined the entire world for 1400+ years. When is Muslim gonna wake up and see carbon dating, dinasaur fossils, and the Moon's relative position in the universe?
Name: Al Uzza
Date: Monday January 14, 2008
Time: 18:15:06 -0700
So this is where the imams who abuse young people in mosques by sticking their tongues in their mouths get the idea? I did wonder. Oh well, it's dreadful but the more that are abused, the more will turn away from this frightful ideology. Why are submitters posting on here so thick, by the way?
Name: Can you hear the Death knell ringing?
Date: Monday January 14, 2008
Time: 19:18:10 -0700
What we are witnessing in the Islamist world is like the Supernova of a dying star. The End is nie!! They are so terrified of human rights, freedoms, women out of their control (and Burqa's), Western thought. These people are filthy savages, living on a parasitic economy that's being yanked out from undernieth them as the world switches to a new (Hydrogen) economic base. The information age has given life to the fanatical rediculousness, but also bellows of its destruction, back to it's true place, as an out-dated, mythic fantasy, that has done nothing more than cause too much human suffering since it's inception. BYE BYE ISLAM.....GO BURN IN HELL.....WHERE mohammad is being ASS_RAPED BY SATAN FOR ALL ENTERNITY.
Name: Bth
Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
Time: 21:10:51 -0700
Our dentist reports Islamic children ROUTINELY pissing and crapping in the hallway outside his office, when there is a bathroom within 20 feet. Its just gross, and now I know why.
Name: Muslim
Date: Tuesday January 22, 2008
Time: 06:25:15 -0700
Muslims believe that if Allah guide someone no one can misguide him and if Allah misguide someone no one can guide him. Reading this article I really feel sorry for yourself and your soul. I only wish that may Allah guide you in the right direction Amen.
Name: who cares
Date: Wednesday January 23, 2008
Time: 00:19:41 -0700
Quote from above:"For example, in Islamic countries such as Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sudan, Nigeria, Mauritania…and so on, people often spit anywhere they like..." How cleverly and criminally you have omitted Hindu India where all these things also happen, these are cultural you stupid moron, get a life.
Name: Muslim
Date: Monday January 28, 2008
Time: 14:46:46 -0700
I don't beleave ur ex-muslim, but afraid to tel ur true religion; ur coward. Learn how to respect other people religion.
Name: Keep Reading more!
Date: Tuesday January 29, 2008
Time: 08:47:51 -0700
Good, you have been doing some reading. why don't you put 'healing saliva' on google and check out the modern research. And regarding hadith, i would only regard seriously the main collection by Imam Bukhari and Muslim. the rest of the collections were collected several hundred years later, so the chances of misconstrued and designed plots become too significant! And regarding filthy practices in muslim countries, there are the ignorant ones and 'those who will not see' kind of blind ones. Something like doctors who smoke, drink, take drugs and have wild sex, just for fun. tell me you never heard of these!
Name: sami
Date: Saturday February 09, 2008
Time: 19:35:30 -0700
may allah have mercy upon all ur souls my friends this is nt a valid ìterpretation all u gotta do is research the icredible works of harun yahya and you have your answers ladies n gentlemen also for those curious because of this post will hav the reliable,accurate answers
Name: kay
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 02:18:40 -0700
Most of these statemetns are crap, this is to provoke the muslims. Say only what you know, dont add your own ideas into things you dont know about or sure about.The way this is put, it is very provoking. Use the info from authentic ahadith and put in the right way.Otherwise keep away from it!! You need to do more research which is from Authentic sources..Not fabricated. Our Prophet (pbuh) was a Pure Man..