Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims
Lies, Hypocrisy & Deception in Islam


Islamic Propaganda: Sorting the Mindless from the Real Ones - Denis Schulz [22 May, 2007]

Islam - the Grand Delusion  - Amil Imani [12 May, 2007]

Science in Quran: Ambiguity of Human Embryology  - Syed Kamran Mirza [12 May, 2007]

The Population Bomb ― Why Islam World's Fastest-growing Religion - Swadhin [09 May, 2007]

Umar Khayyam: The Poet of Doubt - Ibn Warraq [08 May, 2007]

Cool, Hip, Avant-garde ― The Modern Islam at al-Maghrib Institute in USA!  - Denis Schulz [05 May, 2007]

Understanding Taqiyya ― Islamic Principle of Lying for the Sake of Allah  - Warner MacKenzie [30 Apr, 2007]

Muhammad the Borrower  - Peace Forever [29 April, 2007]

The Sheikh Petersburg Declaration: Reformation of Islam - Sher Khan [26 April, 2007]

For Fanatical Muslims, Migration Is Part Of "Third Wave" Attack On Europe - Bernard Lewis [24 April, 2007]

The Myths and Truths of IslamSusan MacAllen  [23 Apr, 2007]

Malaysia: Totalitarian Aspects of a "Moderate" Muslim Regime  - Adrian Morgan [20 April, 2007]

Why is Islam Afraid of History?  - Pete Fisher [13 April, 2007]

That Golden Age of Islam  - Mumin Salih [11 April, 2007]

Letter from a Muslim Convert: “Islam made me aware of others rights” - MA Khan [07 April, 2007]

Why We Cannot Rely on Moderate Muslims? - Fjordman [03 Apr, 2007]

Beware of Mullahs Bearing Gifts - Amil Imani [30 Mar, 2007]

The Language Miracle of the Quran - Mumin Salih [28 Mar, 2007]

Are Women Equal to Men as a Witness in Islam? - A Rebuttal to Dr Zakir Naik - Peace Forever [18 Mar, 2007]

How to Debate and Frustrate Infidels - Ayesha Ahmed [12 Mar, 2007]

Seventh Pillar of Islam - Shabnam Ali [12 Mar, 2007]

Taqiyya and kitman: Role of Deception in Islamic terrorism  - American Congress for truth [12 Mar, 2007]

The Postmodern Interpretation of Religious Terrorism  - Prof Paul Cliteur [09 Feb, 2007]

Islam is a religion of……….WHAT?  - Warner MacKenzie [03 Feb, 2007]

History of Islamic Tolerance: The Truths and Myths  - Billy Rojas [02 Feb, 2007]

How to Debate with the Muslims  - Ibn Warraq [30 Jan, 2007]

On Fascism and Islamophobia  - Fjordman [28 Jan, 2006]

Islam’s Lost un-Islamic Heritage  - Jahed Ahmed [16 Jan, 2007]


The Arabs’ Suddenly Sensitive Feelings  - Mumin Salih [08 Jan, 2007]

Why Socialists Must Side with Islamic Fundamentalism – The Jimmy Carter case  - Peter Fruchter [27 Dec, 2006]

Muslim's Way to Refute the Facts  - Infidel  [07 Dec, 2006]

Contradicting Muslim Revisionism  - CS Karlson [07 Dec, 2006]

Muslim Scholars’ Open Letter to Pope: A Pack of Lies, Deception and Stupidity  - MA Khan [16 Nov, 2006]

Uncovered Meat and Rape: Condemning an Honest, Innocent Cleric  - MA Khan [02 Nov, 2006]

Dear Muslims: Which "House" is America to you?  - Amil Imani [05 Dec, 2006]

Islamic Logic In Action  - Peace Forever [03 Nov, 06]

An Unholy Alliance  - Sher Khan [29 Oct, 2006]

Muslims and the Religious Brain  - Amil Imani [18 Oct, 2006]

Should Every Muslim Emulate Prophet Muhammad as Their Model?  - Syed Kamran Mirza [21 Oct, 2006]

Things Non-Offensive to Islam  - Paolo Bassi [14 Oct, 2006]

Where can I buy a brain?  - Shabana Muhammad [08 Oct, 2006]

When Will Muslims Apologize? - Compiled by 'Patriotic Kiwi' [20 Sep, 2006]

Junior Qaddafi’s Futile Attempt to Placate the Rage of Allah for Father’s Sin?   - MA Khan [19 Sep, 2006]

Muhammad & His Concept of Intercession with Allah  - Mohammad Asghar  [25 Sept, 2006]

Our Ubiquitous Garden Variety Bangladeshi Talibans! - Abul Kasem

Poor Satan; He was a victim of God’s Treachery - Mohammad Zaidan

Reinventing and Redefining Islam - Abul Kasem

Islam was not spread with the help of sword!  - Mohammad Asghar [20 Sept, 2006]

Welcome to the Land of the Great Satan, Smiling Mullah Khatami   - Amil Imani  [05 Sept, 2006]

A Worthless Deity Who Lied!   -Mohammad Asghar  [18 Aug, 2006]

Hezbollah Did Not Lose: Muslims Never Capitulate - Syed Kamran Mirza [27 Aug, 2006]

Is Wahabism Real Islam?  - Sher Khan [19 Aug, 2006]

A Look at the Muslim Mindset  - Amil Imani [18 Aug, 2006]

It is Islam, dummy  - Amil Imani  [14 Aug, 2006]

Dear Muslims: What is It that You Don’t Understand? - Amil Imani [21 July, 2006]

The Muslims’ Dilemma - Mumin Salih [07 July, 2006]

Is Islam Misrepresented? - Amil Imani  [02 July, 2006]

From Iran with Love - Sher Khan [04 June, 2006]

Carbon Copy - Mohammad Abdullah [29 May, 2006]

Blame the West for Islamic Terrorism - Mumin Salih [14 May, 2006]

Ahmadi-Nejad Letter to Bush: Embrace Islam or Else... - Mahmood Ahmadi-Nejad

Shirin Ebadi: Voice of Democracy or Voice of Mullacracy? - Amil Imani [09 May, 2006]

Encephalization Quotient - Mohammad Abdullah [24 April, 2006]

Is Saudi Arabia Against the Terrorists? - Khaled Waleed  [21 April, 2006]

Madrasa - An Islamic School to Learn 'Ignorance' - Sujit Das [19 April, 2006]

On the Interpretation of the Quran - Mohammad Asghar [17 April, 2006]

Islam: A False Religion - Amil Imani [17 April, 2006]

Apostasy in Islam: Islamic Apologist, Prof Bassiouni, Tell a Partial Story - James Arlandson [10 April, 2006]

What Doesn't Offend the Muslims  - Isaac Schrödinger [23 Feb, 2006]

Jihadists at your door when you are not looking - Mahfuzur Rahman [17 Feb, 2006]

Islam - the fastest growing religion! - Letter from Stahl [12 Feb, 2006]

Muslims and the imperceptibility of the West - Mohammad Asghar [10 Feb, 2006]

Why Truce and Not Peace? - Showan Khurshid  [28 Jan, 2006]

Treaty or Trickery? - Sher Khan  [14 Jan, 2006]

What Muslims Learn - Isaac Schrödinger  [11 Jan, 2006]

A liberal Islamic scholar's dissimulations on the Koran - Mahfuzur Rahman [7/12/2005]

Cocooned in Lies - Ali Sina

The Compassionate, The Merciful Prophet - Syed Kamran Mirza

Daniel Pipes - A Zionist Islamophobe? - MA Khan

Sex with Slave girls and Captive Women in Islam - Alamgir Hussain

Deciphering an American Fatwa - Abul Kasem

Exegesis of Muslim and Islamic Minds - Syed Kamran Mirza

From Lizards to Spiders - Sher Khan

Golden Eggs of Rotten Islam: Freethinkers of Islam - Sher Khan

Here is how the Islamist's mind works - Abul Kasem

History of Science and Religion - Syed Kamran Mirza

Holy and Blessed Family: An Example to Emulate? - Abul Kasem

How the Quran Lied About Mary and Jesus Christ’s birth? - Mohammad Asghar

Islam: A Pack of White Lies - Mohammad Asghar

Islamic Banging - Sher Khan

Islamic Circus - Sher Khan

Islam Is Not a Religion of Peace - Mohammad Asghar

Islamic Peace Train - Abul Kasem

The Islamic Psycho - Abul Kasem

Islamic Women's Day - Abul Kasem

The Janus Face of Islam - Abul Kasem

Muslims Are Responsible For Their Plight - Mohammad Asghar

My House is Mine; Your House is Mine Too! - Syed Kamran Mirza

Sense and Sensitivity - Sher Khan

Unearthing Some of the Muslim Lies! - Mohammad Asghar

Westerners Find Science in the Quran! - Abul Kasem

When is Islam Oppressed? - Abul Kasem

Whither the Islamic Infidels? - Abul Kasem

Who Authored the Quran? - Abul Kasem

Who Let the Dogs Out? - Sher Khan

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