Websites run by moderate & ex-Muslims

Amil Imani - Site of an Iranian ex-Muslim in English and Farsi

Apostates of Islam

Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain

Pakistan Constitution

Derafsh-Kaviyani - Site of an Iranian in Farsi

Dr. Homa Darabi Foundation

Faith Freedom - A highly recommended website

Forum Murtadin Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia

History of Jihad

In the name of Allah - website by I. Q. Rassooli

Islam Review

Islamic Scriptures Unveiled - blog by ex-Muslimah

Khalas - Website by a former convert to Islam

Liberated One (Blog of a Pakistani ex-Muslimah)

Former Muslims United

Religions are Politics (book)

World without Islam (A Pakistani ex-Muslim's blog with Spanish, English, Urdu contents)

Secular Islam

Taslima Nasrin

The Apostate


Nobojug Blog (Excellent Progressive Bangla website) (good Bangla/English collections)

1000+ Mistakes in the Quran [must read]

Atlas Shrugs

American Thinker

Anti-CAIR - Website for scrutinizing CAIR

Answering Islam - A Christian site to refute Islam with some erudite & strong articles.

Australian Islamist Monitor

Bare Naked Islam

Canada Free Press


Centre For Study of Political Islam

Cobourg Atheist

Crusade Media

The Counterterrorism Blog

Enza Ferreri's blog [Czech]

Free Copts

Gadi Adelman

Global Politician

Halal Choices -- Australia (A site for informed choices for the products you buy)

Handbook for Infidels

Harry's Place article on Islam

Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities

Infidels Blogger Alliance

Infidel Taskforce

Internet Infidels' Islam Library - A good collection of articles

Investigate Islam -- Thousands of documents in French

Islamic Expansion and Decline


Jihad Watch

Justify This

Life and Times of Ahmed and Mohammed - Humor site

Malaysian Blog

MCB Watch

Middle East Facts

Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI)

Militant Islam Monitor

Mosque Watch (good collection of Islam critical content)

A New Dark Age Is Dawning

Persecution Project

Political Islam

Quran Reading Blog

Superpower Pakistan

The Religion of Peace

The Truth Messenger

The Legacy of Jihad

Thinkers World

Urban Infidel blog

Act for America (Brigitte Gabriel website)

Women of Afghanistan - RAWA

Women in the Middle East

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