Fornication Incidents and Muhammad's Great Wisdom
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 7685
Muhammad, Muslims claim, was the wisest men ever lived. I have shown in some of my previous writings that this is in fact far from the truth. In this article, I present to the reader two hadiths that have a similar story. We will analyze those hadiths from a purely moral perspective. We want to discover Muhammad’s “wisdom” in those hadiths.
Prophet Muhammad & Ali Shown in a Movie, But No Protests by Muslims
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 10674
When a Western artist make cartoon of Muhammad, Muslims engage in violence, but when a Muslim make a pro-Islam movie depicting Muhammad, they keep silent. Let's now make a movie showing real Muhammad and Islam...
Media Silence over American Professor’s Stabbing Death: Is It Jihad Killing?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 5705
A Professor of the Binghamton University, New York, has been stabbed to death by a student to death. But none of America’s mainstream news organizations would pick the story. Why?
Minarets: The ‘Bayonets of Islam’?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 16029
Turkey's Islamist Prime Minister Erdogan recited in 1998 that 'minarets are our bayonets', and the Swiss voters banned minarets in Switzerland in a 30 November 2009 referendum, claiming that it's a symbol of Islam's political domination. Both Erdogan and Swiss voters are right. Moreover, minarets are not Islamic, indeed anti-Islamic, and borrowed from Christianity...
In memory of the Mumbai massacre
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- Written by Acharya S./D.M. Murdock
- Hits: 4704
The ghastly Mumbai massacre was only the trailer for the real movie to come, says the terror attack's Pakistani mastermind...
Swiss ban on minarets was a vote for tolerance and inclusion
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- Written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali
- Hits: 4670
The recent Swiss referendum that bans construction of minarets has caused controversy across the world. There are two ways to interpret the vote. First, as a rejection of political Islam, not a rejection of Muslims. In this sense it was a vote for tolerance and inclusion, which political Islam rejects. Second, the vote was a revelation of the big gap between how the Swiss people and the Swiss elite judge political Islam.
Read the article at Christian Science Monitor.
Islam and the Rise of Violent Anti-Semitism
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- Written by John J. O’Neill
- Hits: 6659
By the late seventh century, and certainly by the eighth, Islamic ideas began to penetrate Europe, where they had a profound influence. European Christians, for example, began to think, for the first time, in terms of “Holy War,” an idea that would have been unthinkable in earlier centuries. There is strong circumstantial evidence that they began also to influence European thinking about the Jews.
A Former Muslim Speaks about the Fort Hood Massacre
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- Written by Jerry Gordon
- Hits: 5612
Courageous ex-Muslim Mohammed Asghar speaks on why the Fort Hood, Texas, Jihad massacre occurred and what it means for America...
Swiss minaret ban causes global uproar
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- Written by Acharya S./D.M. Murdock
- Hits: 6842
And I do mean uproar! From both sides of the debate about the recent vote by the Swiss to ban Muslim minarets - or "bayonets," as they've been styled - we are hearing loud noises, howls on the one hand and cheers on the other.
Speed of Light in the Quran: Busting Islamist Lies
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 7282
To Islamists, there is no scientific discovery, made by the infidels, that is not mentioned in the Quran by Allah, aka Muhammad. Mention of the speed of light in the Quran, Islamists claim, is one such scientific miracle. Dr. Ali Sina's smashes the Islamist rubbish regarding the claim...
Unmasking the Lies and Deception of Jihad Turk
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- Written by Chris
- Hits: 10080
Exposing the lies and deception of an American-born stealth Jihadist, named Jihad Turk...