The Stupendous Quran and Hadiths
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 7893
Muslims claim that Islam (Quran & Hadith) is the perfect guide to mankind, which, if followed to the point, will land one in paradise after death, one's sole of aim of life on earth. In case you are wondering what's so special about the Quran and hadith---they are indeed special. Find out in this essay.
Nabuwat of Muhammad: Myth or Reality?
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- Written by Jahanshah Rashidian
- Hits: 6581
The claim of Muhammad's Nabuwat or prophecy, that he used to talked to angel Gabriel to communicate with Allah (God), is the core-piller, the foundation, of Islam. But there are way too many reasons, deduced from the Quran, Sirah and hadiths, to doubt that claim. No wonder why great thinkers Ibn Sina, al-Farabi, and ar-Razi et al. never believed in it.
Muhammad had Violated the Qur'an, Part 1
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- Written by Abul Kasem
- Hits: 7388
Muslims claim that the Quran is the God's inviolable guidance, preserved in a tablet in heaven, from which it was transmitted through Muhammad to mankind. Muhammad was only a messenger, transmitter, and meticulous follower of God's message. But, in reality, Muhammad broke the dictates of the Quran as and when he wished...
Compassion: The Islamic Republic Style
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 4742
It is not true that the Islamic Republic of Iran lacks compassion. It is not true that the Islamic Republic hangs people without a hint of mercy. Here is the proof.
Rumors of Aisha's Adultery and Allah's Silence
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 17985
Why Allah maintained silence for a month when rumor about Prophet Muhammad's wife Aisha's adultery was brewing, and why He eventually broke His silence to defend Aisha... [Read in Indonesian]
The Fruit of Islam
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- Written by Bill Warner
- Hits: 8215
The backwardness or failure of the Muslim world --- whether in knowledge and science, in politics and governance, or in development and human rights --- are nothing but the fruits of Islam.
Islam: Apostasy and Punishment
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- Written by Mohammad Asghar
- Hits: 6659
While the issue of apostasy in Islam and punishment for it have been widely discussed in recent years, the Islamists would not relent in their lies that there is no punishment for apostasy in Islam. They are making the same claim in the case of latest Ohio apostate, 17-year-old Rifqa Bary, to take her back to Muslim community. This article should put to rest any debate on the issue....
Bin Laden to US: ‘Drop Israel, Let's Talk’
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- Written by Dr. Walid Phares
- Hits: 4683
Osama Bin Laden's latest audio-tape suddenly attempts to show the Israel-Palestine conflict as the main reasons for al-Qaeda's 9/11 attacks. Can you guess why this sudden change in tune???
Sex, Flies and Videotape: The Secret Lives of Harun Yahya
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- Written by Halil Arda
- Hits: 9947
Muslim creationist, cult leader, Dawkins' nemesis, and messiah. Halil Arda tracks down the real Harun Yahya.
I Can Only Imagine!
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 4720
Imagine a world free of divisions and hatred among us, thanks to religions...
Muslim Father: Can I Have an Incest Relationship?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 122551
Editor M. A. Khan had a conversation with a Muslim father, having a sexual relationship with his young daughter. Khan tries earnestly, but unsuccessfully, to have the relationship stopped. The man decides to take his daughter as his wife for life as a "god-written" destiny.