Evolution as Science vs the Intellectual Hypocrisy of Creation Theory
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- Written by Syed Kamran Mirza
- Hits: 5635
(Updated: 2014)
For thousands of years, scientists were searching for answer to the mystery of biological origin on our planet, because scientists could not quite accept incoherent religious folklore stories of “Creation Theory” fed by ancient Prophets. Then came the great genius, Charles R. Darwin, a naturalist, born in England on February 12, 1809. Charles Darwin gave us the revolutionary and most acceptable theory of creation, called the “Theory of Evolution”. Darwin explained his theory in his book “On the origin of species” in 1859, detailing the theory of evolution of the biological world by the process of variation, reproduction and natural selection.
Was Muhammad a Rapist?
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 29318
Many critics accuse Muhammad of being a rapist by citing certain sex incidents of his from the hadiths and Sira, but Muslims reject such accusations by claiming that those incidents do not qualify to be rape. In this article, I discuss the issue of Prophet Muhammad being a rapist. To keep the article brief, I will cite the cases of three women whom Muhammad had captured and used for sex.
Modifying My Belief
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- Written by Osama Dorra
- Hits: 7623
Egypt Independent has published a testimony of former Muslim Brotherhood member and writer Osama Dorra of how he has resolved to desert Islam as religion from his life:
I decided to deactivate my practice of Islam as a religion because the “cognitive dissonance” between some of its details and what I think is rational, just and logical has reached a limit that is beyond my comprehension.
I have resolved to reduce the status of Islam to a “cultural reference” that sets the tone for my morals, until I find another reference, or adopt it again as a religion.
The Arab Spring has shaken our confidence in what we were like before revolutions. It has become clear that the assumptions upon which we built our lives were not all sound, the institutions that led us were not all efficient or honest, and the people we thought highly of were not all worthy of that praise.
Bani Qurayza: Details of the Islamic Genocide of the Jews by Prophet Muhammad
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 6933
In this study, I will discuss the genocide of the Jewish tribe of Bani Qurayza by the prophet of Islam and the consequent moral implications. I will organize the flow of this study as follows:
1. Prelude to a genocide: Bani Qainuqa
2. Background on the Bani Qurayza incidents
3. Muhammad attacks Bani Qurayza
4. Who is Sa’d Bin Mu’ad?
5. Bani Qurayza genocide
Death of Noble Abdullah bin Ubayy and the Extreme Meanness of Prophet Muhammad
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- Hits: 6565
Curious readers of the Quran, Sunna and Sira know the extent of Muhammad’s terrorizing and horrific actions recorded by devout Muslim scholars themselves. Many such incidents were carried out by Muhammad himself; countless others on the behest of his orders. Many inhuman acts of Muhammad would fill readers with shame and sadness and make them wonder: Could a human be mean to such an extent? This article will narrate one among many such incidents that should make every human being shocked, saddened and ashamed of beastly personality of Muhammad. But for the cruel prince that Muhammad was, it is just one more feather in his cap.
Imran Firasat - Asylum Revoked (Dispatch International)
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 4276
[link corrected]
Hey Germans! Muhammad Was a Big, Bad Wolf, Not a ‘Prophet of Peace’
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 8392
Germany Adds Lessons in Islam in Schools to Better Blend Its Melting Pot
Germany has a long history of creating fantastic fairytales. It was the Brothers Grimm, who catalogued such great fairytales as Snow White, Hansel and Gretel, Sleeping Beauty, Little Red Riding Hood and many more.
The elites of Germany have now embarked on the creation of two of the ever-greatest fairytales in history – that (1) Islam is a ‘religion of peace’, and (2) Muhammad was a ‘prophet of peace’.
Schools in Germany will now teach Islam to primary school students starting in the first grade to better integrate Muslims into German society.
Did The Qurayza Massacre Really Happen?
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- Written by David Hayden
- Hits: 5427
Walid N. Arafat wrote a provocative article entitled "New Light on the Story of Banu Qurayza and the Jews of Medina" in 1976 for the Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland. After outlining the Ibn Ishaq version of the story, Arafat offers this interpretation: "On examination, details of the story can be challenged. It can be demonstrated that the assertion that 600 or 800 or 900 men of Banu Qurayza were put to death in cold blood can not be true; that it is a later invention; and that it has its source in Jewish traditions. Indeed, the source of the details in earlier Jewish history can be pointed out with surprising accuracy" (Arafat 1-2). Three years after Arafat's article appeared, Barakat Ahmad, an Indian Muslim, wrote Muhammad and the Jews: A Re-Examination in which he suggests the Muslims beheaded only 16 or 17 Qurayza leaders while the rest were taken captive.
Collection of Hadiths on Muhammad’s Pedophilia
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 9870
This is a collection of authentic Hadiths on Muhammad’s pedophilia. The list is probably not complete. Readers are invited to post in the comments section other hadiths (with reference please) related to Muhammad’s pedophilia that I have missed. I will later add them into the original file.
The Mindset of Muslims
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- Written by Abid Ali
- Hits: 7702
Muslims never read the Quran from start to finish with the unprejudiced mind and intent to understand its message. If they do, it will become clear to them that this so-called holy book is not from God, but a fabrication of an evil person and is filled with absurdities and violent incitements. They live in a blissful garden of ignorance, where all their questions are choked by lack of interest to think hard about it. There, they don’t have to think. All they have to do is just believe.
An Open Letter to the God of Islam
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 5982
It is axiomatic that to be a Muslim you must: believe in Allah by taking him as your one and only lord, accept Muhammad as Allah’s beloved messenger and take the Quran as a literal work of Allah and a perfect prescription for living.
Hard as I tried, I had a terrible time being a Muslim right at the entry level. I, therefore, decided to write this open letter in the hope of receiving some satisfactory answers to the many questions that trouble me greatly.